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Bella's POV:
Zach's currently in time out. I watch him sniffled with his back to me. I already know damn well that he's pouting over there. I glare angrily as I think of a punishment, I didn't wanna spank him since I already spanked him yesterday and that would be too much for him. Making him write lines won't let him learn anything,and I don't see how taking his phone away will have an effect on him.

Noah walks into the kitchen from the living room and observes my face. He looks in the direction my eyes are on and he sees Zach sniffling in the corner.

"What'd he do?" Noah asked eating one of the muffins on the counter. I took my eyes off Zach and turned to Noah and sighed.

"He decided that It would be funny if started he hitting me. He probably meant it as a joke but I saw it as disrespect." I huffed out just stressed from it all. Why would he do that? He never ever hits me, or anyone. Expect for other little. But still. I don't know where this came from.

"How'd you punish him?" Noah questioned. I barely understood due to his face stuffed with muffins. "I didn't."

"You don't punish him after he hit you?!" Noah asked in shock. I glared at Noah due to how loud he just said that causing Zach to slightly turn his head and shift in his spot. He quickly caught on and mouthed a quick sorry.

"I just spanked him yesterday, 2 spankings in a row is too much for him." I admitted. I didn't want him to be in distress and in pain at the same time. If he can't handle one spanking how is he going to handle two? One after the other?

"Wait, why'd he hit you in the first place. Zach never hits anyone unless he's jealous." Noah concerned. I took a second to think about that. Why did he hit me? He only ever hits someone if he's jealous of something and it's mostly littles like him.

"I don't even know. I need to figure out how to punish him." I huffed out and started on the dishes that have been staring at me. I look back at Zach and notice his hand is in his mouth. Poor baby's sucking his thumb.

"How about..no affection?" Noah suggested while pouring a glass of water near me. Wait that might work.

As we know, Zach is one extremely clingy boy. After punishment he needs to be cuddled kissed and praises or he will choose to be a mood for the rest of the day. Since he hasn't really been punished, I guess that can work.

"That'll work, thanks Noah." I said and gave him a small smile as I dried my hands.

"Anytime Bella." He walked into the living room and I put my eyes toward the blonde boy in front of me. I took a deep breath and walked towards him.

I tapped his shoulder lightly causing him to turn around.

His eyes were slightly pink and his upturned nose was pink as-well. He had his thumb in his mouth and was sucking it gently.

"Sit up baby." I said to him and he obeyed. He sat with his back to the wall and his knees to his chest. He stared down at the ground and didn't look at me once.

"Since I spanked you yesterday. I'm not spank you today, but you need to learn that hitting mommy or anyone else is not a way a good boy should behave. So from this moment on till tomorrow morning. No cuddles, hugs, praises, kisses, or affection what so ever. No talking either. No physical touch."

That made him look right up at me and take his thumb out his mouth. He stared at me with wide eyes and I noticed his lip quivering. I really don't want him crying right now.

"Zach. Do you understand me?" I inquired as he shook his head and a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I-I'm so sorry m-mama... I-I won't d-do it a..agai- do you understand me?" I cut him off. The more he speaks the more tears he'll shed. If I see my baby crying I won't be able to resist cuddle him. And I'm going to stick to my word today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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