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Mathew POV:
I'm probably hyperventilating right now but I don't even care. I'm crying dramatically as daddy pounds on the door. Yet I don't seem to have the strength to open in, I sob and slide down my door
in despair. My ass hits the ground hard and all I can do is sob harder. I drag my knees to my chest and bury my face into them. I can't even control my breathing right now. Why am I crying so hard? Due to the news I just received.

"Mathew, baby. Can you please open the door so we can talk and figure something out?" Daddy asks sounding panicked. I hear him, but pretend I don't. I ignore him and continue to cry. Knowing I won't be able to survive the next day.

"Love, If you don't open this door I'm going to get the key and we don't want that now do we?" He continues to try and lure me out but I'm not having it. Why oh why would he do this? Why can't he understand that it isn't okay for a dominant to leave the little?!

"Okay, you leave me no choice." I hear his fingers scrape against the top of the door, where the key is. Then I hear the doorknob above me jiggle as he opens the door. I continue to silently cry as he slowly pushes the door open.

He manages to get inside successfully without pushing me into the wall. As soon as he sees me his face breaks.

"My poor baby, come here." Then he immediately crouches down to my level and scoops me into his arms. I want to let go, I want to be mad, I want to show him I'm not okay. But at the same time, I want to be held. So I give in.

I sell myself to him, I allow him to take me in and cradle me as I sob into him. My tears staining his compression shirt. My knees curl up and my head is in his chest. All he does is wrap his arms around me and kiss the top of my head repeatedly.

It's moments like these where I realize how lucky I am to have someone to really care for me. When I can be cradled in his big strong arms and just shut everything else out. When we're in these type of vulnerable moments, i don't want anything to do with anything but him. It's almost like I'm an iPhone that is out on do not disturb. Because when I'm with him, he's all I think about. Our future.

After minutes of reassurance, cuddles and kisses. I'm laying against him sniffling staring at the ground as he stares up.

"Do you really h-have to go..?" I questioned softly with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Baby, it's a one night trip I'll be back tomorrow morning." He explained. But I didn't care, he's telling me information that I already know. I want to know if he REALLY has to go.

"But you know I h-have insomnia.." I reminded just in case he forgot which clearly he did. He pulled me tighter against his body.

"Yes baby I know, but that's why you have stitch right?" Stitch was my stuffed animal that was rarely ever used because daddy is always with me.

I've had insomnia for all my life, I had insane trouble sleeping for most of my life. But ever since I've been sleeping with Noah, sleeping has been easier for me. It's his hold. It's like he's a safe and I'm the prized possession, and his arms is the combination lock. I felt safe and secure in his arms which improved my sleeping habits. Without him, I can't sleep. And all of a sudden I'm a 7 year old boy again crying because I'm exhausted but can't sleep.

"Stitch isn't y-you though. It's not t-the same.." I let out along with an exhausted breath. I started to hiccup due to my dramatic cries earlier.

He sighed softly and lifted me up and onto his lap. I almost instantly wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms curled up between his chest and mine. His arms wrapped around my body and he placed his chin on my head.

I hiccuped repeatedly as his arms stroked my back. I felt him lift my hoodie and scratch my back from up to down.

"What if I spray stitch with my cologne?" He compromised and missed the top of my head. "Hm?" He mumbled against my head.

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