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Bella's POV:
Its currently 6:50 am and we are all standing outside waiting doe the slow ass bus to arrive. It's freezing out here it's probably like 10 degrees.

I looked back to make sure we had everyone, Lily hugging Jays side, Jack cradling Alex in his arms, Haley standing next to Sophia, William also hugging Oliver to his side, Noah standing with Mathew beneath him, Jenna holding Anthony, and me holding Zach against my side as he sniffled.

This morning I scolded him for hitting Lily after she came up to me and hugged me, my baby was jealous so he hit her, and I had to spank him. And he did cry, so now he's sniffling against me, worst thing is that he hasn't even had his bottle yet.

The bus finally pulled up and we all piled in taking the entire bus because of how many of us there was. We all sat in the back. Me and Zach in the two-seater.

He leaned into me, being the extremely clingy baby he is and wanting comfort. I took his warm bottle out of my bag and held it to his lips, he took the nipple in his mouth and sucked slowly and gently. I looked to my side and saw Mathew sleeping on Noah. Cute.

I noticed Zach falling asleep and woke him up casting him to whine.

"No sleeping, I can't have a fussy baby especially when we have a test today." I scolded him and he quickly shut up sinking back into his chair. I sighed and kissed his head, reassuring him that I wasn't mad at all.

He kept his head cuddled into my chest as I pet his hair slowly, everyone was tired. The dom's stayed up studying all night and the subs, well they did what most subs do.

There is no way Zach is going to pass this test without me helping him.

Zach has always had trouble with math, it was never his specialty. My poor baby would be up for hours studying, and finishing his homework, and he would have everything memorized. But if I asked him a question about it, he would forget everything.

I have tried to lower Zach's math class for months but they said that the class lower than ours is way too easy for him. I hate when he does math because when he doesn't understand something he gets stressed, and then his stomach starts to hurt, and then he cries craving comfort, then after an hour of reassurance it repeats, then he'll have trouble sleeping.

Good thing is that we have a free period before the test so I'll help Zach to study before we take the test. Hopefully all goes well.

The bus pulls into the driveway of the school. We all pile out and quickly make it into the warm building. I felt Zach hold my hand.

We got to our lockers and I quickly opened mine, I put my bags inside and grabbed my books and computer. I noticed everyone starting to get to homeroom when Zach got stressed because his code wasn't working.

Zach getting stressed is a main concern for me, when he's stressed his first instinct is to hit his head with his hand. Or just physically hurt himself, and self harm is a big no no for me.

Before Zach got clarified as a sub, he had fallen into a deep depression because of the girlfriend he had. She had cheated and then denied it once she was caught.

He dumped her, but when no one was looking he would sob into his pillow, didn't eat, barely slept, and didn't do any of his work. Then he started to self harm. He would cut himself, with blades, scissors, burn himself, rip out his hair, etc.

When I met Zach, he was extremely shy and didn't wanna date me because of his previous relationships. But then we warmed up to each other and slowly became closer.

He usually used to shower himself, the first time I told him I was going to bathe him, he threw a massive fit, he didn't want me to bathe him, he didn't want me to see him naked, he didn't want me in the same room as him once naked in general.

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