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Mathew's POV:
It's a wonderful Saturday afternoon. No school, no homework, no need to wake up early, no annoying teachers.

But wait.

Something just ruined Saturday, CHORES.

Last night we were all chilling, I was laying my head in daddy's lap in the living room. I was on the verge of letting my eyelids close until I heard daddy say that all littles will have lots of chores to do today.

I didn't think anything of it considering I was absolutely exhausted. But once daddy handed me the list, I couldn't believe my eyes.

This is no surprise, every weekend we have to do chores, it's mandatory. But I think i got the most out of everyone's.

Everyone had to of course clean their room, and they had one extra job around the house to do. Me? I had to clean my room, bathe the dog, fold me and Zach's laundry. I have two left, unload the dishwasher, and clean the upstairs bathroom. This is ridiculous! I'm just a little! Why is so much pressure put on me?!

Every single little in this house, has 2-3 chores to complete. Why the fuck do I get 5?!

Am I different? Do I deserve more? Am I hated? Am I just not the same? Don't I deserve the same value others get?!

All littles in this house are the same! I didn't to anything wrong! Why am I getting more than everyone else! It's bullshit!

I don't know why this is happening, maybe it's because I tried dragging Alex off of daddy yesterday. But, that wouldn't make sense.

How is this even fair!? I can't even do anything about it. If I disobey any rules about chores, then my ass will be tanned. And I don't want that.

There is one thing about chores that I love, the reward after it.

Candy. I have an insane sweet tooth. Candy is all I need in life, and daddy of course. Any chance I have to eat candy, I'll take it! And after this long list of chores is done, I'm expecting a bucket full of candy.

I just finished cleaning the disgusting bathroom that most of the men in this house use. It was horrible. The sink was covered in water, I could barely see myself through the mirror, the shower walls were covered in hair, etc.

I took a quick shower after completing the chores just to relieve myself. Daddy would understand that I deserve more candy than the others right? I mean, I did do a lot more than they did. And there is no doubting that.

I hoped out of the shower and put on grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. It's literally winter and snowing right now, and Bella is wearing tank top and shorts. Probably to try and get Zach extra clingy but whatever.

I walked downstairs and immediately went on the search for daddy. On the way I saw Alex watching tv with Lilly and Oliver, she had a pacifier in her mouth and was cuddle up against Jack. I waved to her and she waved back.

I walked into the kitchen and saw daddy standing there listening to Bella and Jenna's conversation about the school drama. Also while Zach was hanging into Bella's leg for attention.

I went up to daddy and pulled on his sweat pants multiple times before he eventually looked down at me.

"What is it baby?" He asked me and put his large hand on my head and massage my wet hair.

"I finished my chores." I said. I didn't want to specifically ask him for candy since I hate hate asking for things especially food.

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