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Noah POV:
I'm exiting the bathroom and walking down the hall. We just finished eating dinner and I went to wash my hands while everyone cleaned up.

I walked into the connected living room and saw Jack sitting on the couch cuddle Alex against his chest. She was in her diaper and a pink sweatshirt, her brown Lucious hair was in two high ponytails with pink coquette bows. She was uncontrollably sobbing as Jack tried his best to shush her.

"Hey, why's my best friend crying?!" I exclaimed loudly while walking into the room. Alex is 17 but little age is 1-2 years old. We are extremely close and we are almost inseparable.

"Noahhhhh." She yelled screwing off of Jacks lap and running into my arms. I watched Jack pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh as he leaned back into the sofa. I pick up Alex with a grunt and held her on my hip.

"Aww, my poor baby. Did daddy spank you?" I asked her as I rubbed her back. She said nothing but nodded and continued to sob.

Jack stood up and walked towards us. "Alex, why don't you tell uncle Noah why you were spanked?" Jack encouraged her still sounding a bit angry. I hit his arm signaling him to shut up because she's already upset enough.

"I-I hit d-daddy because he t-took my c-candy aw-away..." she barely got out by sobbing. I made a fake gasp noise just so she knows it's not okay to do such a thing.

"And did you ask daddy if you could have candy?" Jack asked still angry, she sobbed and shook her head burying it into my neck.

I rubbed her back and glared at Jack for upsetting her, "it's okay baby, next time we should ask daddy okay? And never hit daddy because he knows what's best for you." I corrected her and she nodded, her sobs had turned into sniffles. I left Jack in the living room and walked with Alex on my hip into the kitchen.

I went into the loli pop jar and got her a blue raspberry one.

I set her on the ground and handed it to her. "Go ask daddy if you can have it, and come back and tell me what he said." Her face lit up and she immediately ran towards Jack. I watched as she asked him and Jack glared at me, but I knew he didn't wanna upset her more so he allowed it. She ran back and jumped into my arms yet again.

She sucked on the candy while on my hip and I laid against the counter as I heard Bella and Jenna's conversation.

They were yapping about some drama that was spread around the school.

I watched Mathew walk in and his face changed from all giddy and happy to jealous and grumpy.

He crossed his arms infront of me but was glaring at Alex.

"My daddy!" He yelled and grabbed her leg. He started to drag her down with all his strength. I struggled to keep Alex in my arms to prevent her from falling and getting hurt. But for some reason Mathew must be really jealous because he wasn't letting go.

"Mathew! Enough!" I yelled trying to pry his hands off the poor girls leg. She started to scream and cling onto me harder. Bella and Jenna realized, Jenna quickly got Mathew's hands off of Alex. She was sobbing into my neck, I looked down at her thigh and it was bleeding. Mathew had scratched her, and peeled off her skin.

I felt anger fuming into me. I grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood off her leg before she saw it and got even more creeped out. I held the napkin against her thigh and handed her to Bella who was still in shock.

"Hold her, don't let her see the blood. Go tell Jack." I ordered as I grabbed Mathew's hand and yanked him along with me as I walked upstairs to our bedroom.

I gripped his arm tight and walked up the stairs completely outraged with his behavior. I don't get it! I always hold Alex and he's never cared.

"Daddy you're hurting me.." he grunted as he tried prying my hand off his arm. I gripped it tighter and entered our room.

I sat on the bed and sat pulled his sweats and boxers down. I pulled him over my lap and landed a harsh slap.

"What the hell was that Mathew?!" I yelled at him and continued to rain down my hand over and over again. He winced continuously. "Huh?" I questioned.

"I-I don't k-know.." he stuttered out. "Bullshit! Why on earth would you try and drag her out of my arms like that? She could have been seriously hurt!" I exclaimed as my hand continued its torturous moves. He had no answer to that, he stayed completely silent.

Until he spoke up and In complete tears.


I froze. I stoped my hand mid air.

"What makes you think that Mathew?" I asked him and rested my hand on his hot red bottom. He sobbed repeatedly before speaking.

"Y-your always h-holding her and hanging o-out wif her..." he admitted. I noticed he was starting to slip into little space.

"Baby, me and Alex. Are extremely close, we're almost best friends. I do this with all the littles in the house. And all the doms do it with you. You have no right to be jealous." I explained to him as he continued to sniffle. He went limp over my lap.

"You could have seriously hurt her, yet you caused some minor damage to her." I said mentioning her thigh. I felt his body tense against me. "When Jack holds you, do you see Alex getting all mad and jealous?" I asked him and rubbed his hot bottom with my cold hand.

He shook his head and sniffled. I sighed. "Exactly." I spoke. I spanked him five more times and lifted him up. He immediately tried to cling onto me. "Nope, time out first."

I said, my tone leaving no room for argument. I placed him in the corner.

"Nose in the wall Mathew, 10 minutes." I said as I sat down on our bed.

After 20 minutes of continuous sniffling and extending his time in the corner because he continued to speak. He was finally allowed out. I lifted him into my lap and let him cuddle into me.

"I'm s-sorry daddy..." he mumbled into my chest.

"It's not me you should be apologizing to." I said cold, I got up with him in my arms and left the room. I walked downstairs and knocked on Jack and Alex's shared bedroom. I heard Jacks faint 'come in'.

I walked in with Mathew hiding his face in my chest.

Jack was sitting against the headboard with Alex cuddled up in his lap sniffling. I sat down on the bed. Jack nudged Alex to look at us and she did.

"Mathew. Is there anything you would like to say to Alex?"

I noticed the bandaid on her thigh, her red button nose, her teary eyes and tear stained cheeks, she was sucking on her baby pink pacifier.

He slowly sat up and sniffled. "I-Im sorry Alex, I didn't meant to hurt you. I was j-just jealous.. I won't d-do it again..." he promised while stuttering. I watched as a tear slid down his cheek. Alex smiled. "It's okay Mafew. I forgive you." This girl is too sweet.

We sent them off to go play and I took the time to talk with Jack.

"Look I'm sorry man, I have no idea what got into him." I explained how bad I felt about Mathew hurting Alex. He smiled. "Don't worry, he was just jealous. I get it. Alex only cried because she was scared, not because he hurt her."

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