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Requested by KikiIsDyong-

Soobin, a magical being known as a fairy, was busy working at a quaint bakery nestled in the enchanting 'forest of wonder' that belonged to his father when he suddenly heard a notification sound coming from his phone. Curious, he unlocked the device and discovered that it was a message from his beloved elf partner, HueningKai, requesting some cuddle time.

Soobin couldn't help but smile at the endearing message from his boyfriend, finding his adorable behavior quite charming. It had become a regular occurrence for HueningKai to reach out to Soobin whenever he was away from home, seeking comfort and affection through their virtual conversations.

Soobin efficiently prepared the magical smoothie for the customer and promptly started the process of closing the store. He swiftly gathered his belongings and hurried back to his home.

As he entered the room, he was greeted by the adorable presence of his little elf companion, HueningKai, who was patiently waiting for his return. With a graceful landing, he perched on HueningKai's shoulder and showered him with affectionate pecks on his cheek, earlobe, nose, and neck. It was a heartwarming sight, especially considering Soobin's small size.

Overwhelmed with joy, HueningKai gently lifted Soobin onto his palm and planted kisses all over his tiny face. Soobin couldn't help but chuckle at the sweet gesture. Feeling mischievous, he playfully flew up to HueningKai's left cheek and gave it a gentle pinch. This playful exchange brought even more laughter from HueningKai, who then decided to place Soobin on top of his head, creating a whimsical and endearing scene. The bond between the two was evident in their interactions, showcasing a deep connection and mutual affection.

HueningKai made his way to the bathroom as Soobin hurried over to his small closet to retrieve his pajamas. It had become a nightly ritual for HueningKai to wash Soobin before they settled in for the night, a practice that had been established since they began their relationship. Over time, they had grown accustomed to each other's presence and had no qualms about being in a state of undress around one another.

The act of washing each other before bed had become a symbol of their intimacy and trust in their relationship. It was a moment of vulnerability and care that they both cherished, a way to connect and show their love for one another. Despite any initial hesitations, they had grown comfortable with this routine, finding solace in the familiarity and closeness it brought to their relationship.

Soobin promptly removed his garments and settled into a compact enclosure that HueningKai had prepared for him to bathe in, as the bathtub was excessively large and posed a drowning risk. HueningKai then utilized a small container to sprinkle water over Soobin, ensuring a refreshing shower experience.

In this lighthearted scene, HueningKai mischievously splashed Soobin with water, creating a playful atmosphere between the two friends. Soobin, however, couldn't help but imagine himself being sprinkled with enchanting fairy dust, adding a touch of whimsy to the moment. Suddenly, Soobin was taken aback as a whole bucket of water was unexpectedly poured over him. His expression turned into that of an angry rabbit, reflecting his surprise and mild annoyance. HueningKai, finding the situation amusing, couldn't contain his laughter and affectionately patted Soobin's head using his index finger. Despite the initial shock, Soobin's frustration quickly dissipated, and he joined in the laughter, appreciating the playful camaraderie between them. With a light-hearted spirit, Soobin continued to wash himself, cherishing the joyful bond he shared with HueningKai.

Following his shower, Soobin slipped into his cozy pajamas adorned with cute rabbits and carrots. He then grabbed his phone and started playing Super Mario, eagerly anticipating HueningKai's completion of his shower so they could enjoy their usual nightly cuddle session.

After a short while, HueningKai emerged from the refreshing shower, clad in adorable penguin-themed pajamas. With a burst of energy, he leaped onto the cozy bed where Soobin was already waiting. Gently, he settled Soobin on his shirt, prompting Soobin to put his phone aside and embrace HueningKai tightly. As they snuggled together, HueningKai tenderly traced circles on Soobin's back with his finger, creating a soothing sensation.

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