🦊🧸 - IM FINE

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yeonjun and beomgyu share an incredibly strong bond, their relationship blossoming over the course of six months. beomgyu's happiness is paramount to yeonjun, and seeing his partner content brings immense joy to him as well. however, amidst their happiness, yeonjun has been harboring a secret from beomgyu, a secret that weighs heavily on his heart.

the atmosphere was serene as beomgyu and yeonjun enjoyed a cozy cuddle session. they were both content, feeling the warmth and comfort of each other's embrace. however, their tranquility was abruptly shattered when yeonjun suddenly began coughing uncontrollably. aparmed, yeonjun rushed to the bathroom, where he started coughing up blood. beomgyu's heart filled with concern and anxiety, fearing that this unexpected turn of events could potentially lead to yeonjun's departure. The once peaceful moment now hung in the balance, overshadowed by worry and uncertainty.

"beomgyu im fine"

beomgyu simply nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging their mutual decision to call it a night and drift off to sleep. as the sun rose on the following day, beomgyu found himself immersed in his work, diligently fulfilling his responsibilities. meanwhile, yeonjun found himself in a different setting altogether, spending his day at the hospital, tending to his duties with utmost care. however, the tranquility of beomgyu's workday was abruptly interrupted when he received an unexpected call from the hospital, instantly capturing his attention and filling him with a sense of urgency.

"hello, is this choi beomgyu"

"yes ma'am"

"your boyfriend, choi yeonjun has died"

beomgyu abruptly ended the call and swiftly rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately, he arrived too late. the sense of urgency filled his every step, yet fate had already sealed the outcome. regrettably, there was nothing within his power to alter the situation. the weight of helplessness settled upon him, leaving him with no choice but to accept the inevitable.

"yeonjun, I cherish you endlessly and my love for you will remain unwavering."

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