1. An Unusual Beginning

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Lee Seo Joon's POV

As I enter the police station, I am unaware that a perfectly normal day for me is going to change in the next fifteen minutes.

Early this morning I woke up to my alarm, faint winter sunlight entering my room. Just then I heard a knock at my door; it was my father who had come to wake me up. He left soon after, knowing that I would be out in ten minutes. I sat on my bed and stretched myself to loosen my muscles.

I looked at my picture on the opposite wall, taken on the day I became a cop. I got out of the bed and lifted my picture, to reveal another picture behind it. Unknown to anyone, it was the picture of the person I idolize.

I got out of my room and headed towards the bathroom. My younger sister who saw me heading out of my room rushed towards the bathroom, since the other one was occupied by my father. We pushed and pulled like always. I won and entered the bathroom, listening to the curses coming from the other end. I washed up and then left for my station.

I change into my uniform and enter our room. As I greet everyone, my senior Jang Hyun Ho calls me, "Seo Joon, I received a call from the superintendent. He wants to see you in his office. Go quickly. He is waiting for you." Upon seeing my puzzled look, he shrugs his shoulders, "I don't think you need to worry, you are one of the best on our team. But he really did not give me any details. I think you need to rush." As I am about to leave he says, "Seo Joon, get changed before you go and carry your badge." He gives me an assuring smile.

This is not how my day at work starts. Though I am the youngest on my team, only 29 years of age, I am quite diligent at my work, having worked with the team in cracking major cases.

As I walk towards the changing room, my mind is filled with thoughts about what I could have done to get invited by Superintendent Han Kang Jun. I quickly change out of my uniform and head towards the corridor. I bow at other officers as I see them on my way out. Thankfully, no one stops me to ask why I am leaving at that hour.

I quickly hire a cab and head towards the police headquarters, my mind going back to thinking if I had erred in my duties. The cab driver breaks as we arrive at the headquarters. It has taken almost half an hour to reach the head office due to the heavy morning traffic. I pay for my ride and enter the building. As I am standing outside Han Kang Jun's office, I do not know what to expect. I take a deep breath to calm my unsettled nerves. I knock at the door.

When I enter his office, Han Kang Jun is sitting at his table, his head submerged in some file. He asks me to take the seat opposite him. This is my first time in his office; I have a strange, uneasy feeling about this whole situation. A couple of minutes pass before he closes his file and looks up. I exchange greetings with him, waiting in anticipation for him to start the conversation.

Sensing my uneasiness he tells me, "I have heard a lot about you from Jang Hyun Ho. He has told me that you are very efficient, and also trained in judo. I was just checking your file."

I heave a sigh of relief to know that I am not here for being reported for some wrong doing.

He continues, "I know you really love your job and you are good too, but you will have to be out of duty for a month."

I take it as a suspension order. Not trying to offend him by asking any questions I put my badge on his table.

He looks at me doing that. He sighs and shakes his head. "I think you have misunderstood the whole situation. The leave is because you have to do an unofficial task."

I am utterly confused, as to why he would choose me for a secret task when there are a lot of other senior, experienced officers in the force.

Noticing confusion on my face, Han Kang Jun continues. "You are supposed to be a manager cum security guard for an idol- actor at the Star agency."

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