Chapter 10

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Ramattra let (Y/N) rest against him as she seemed to be comfortable. His head was pounding from the damage and the static in his voice constantly.

Mercy had come in and politely asked the Omnic to leave, to which he refused. She sighed and asked for him to at least move away while she checks the wounds. Ramattra saw the state of her back and gasped. The wounds including the scar looked terrible. How did she even survive. Some luck (Y/N) has. The medic looked at the Ravager to see the shock on his now-visible optics and she hummed.

"She'll be okay, Ramattra. (Y/N) just need plenty of rest of the medication I have given her should boost the healing process with minimum pain." Mercy explained and wrote some notes down on her injuries. "You can now sit back down. I have finished what I needed to do. Bandages will no long have much use to this wound so fresh air will need to hit it."



Zenyatta was in (Y/N)'s Repair Shop and saw the damage as he lead the repair men around and started to say what needed to be done. He had Bastion and Winston with him for support just incase anything happens.

"This place really could use a makeover." Winston spoke honestly, gazing around and saw Bruce hiding in the closest, but was on high alert. "Woah, who's that?"

"That is Bruce." Zenyatta stated as the Omnic walked over, seeing no threat. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah!" Bruce tilted his head at Winston before continuing to speak. "Where is (Y/N) and Conattra?"

"(Y/N)..." Winston sighed. "She is in critical medical care at the moment while Conattra is helping the base with cleaning and shipments."

"Ahh, I see. Well, I hope she'll be okay. After all, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for (Y/N) repairing me." Bastion then happily chirped and beeped at the reply.


3 days later~

(Y/N) was sat on her bed, only wearing a sports bra due to the injuries on her back and she drank some water Mercy had recently given her. Ramattra was sat in the seat next to her, still not going anywhere. He hasn't even slept... Not like he needed to anyway, but still, everyone needs a rest sometimes.

"It's good to finally be awake again." (Y/N) sighed in relief and placed the glass on the counter next to her bed. "Please rest, Ramattra. You look terrible." She reached out and placed her hand gently on his cheek, just under his visible optic. She can see the sadness in it. "Come here." She moved over and moved the covers si he could climb in.

"I-I-I-I r-r-rather n-not." Ramattra shook his head as a 'no' sign. He saw her look and sighed before climbing in and rest next to her. "W-W-Why did y-y-y-you w-want me t-to l-l-lie h-he-r-r-re?"

"Ramattra. Just relax." She grabbed his cold hand gently as he watched and suddenly felt way more relaxed. The Omnic slowly got comfortable and his lights when dim and his optics closed, showing he was now asleep. "Good job. That's it." She whispered and put her hand through his messy, wires which resembled his hair.

Mercy soon walked in and saw the scene and smiled at this.

"Finally relaxing, I see?"

"It took a few times to finally convince him to have a nap. He looks terrible." (Y/N) whined and exmained the damage done to her new partner.

"He wouldn't let anybody else touch him while you were out. Not even his own Brothers'." Mercy explained and sat down on the chair nearby. "How're you feeling, (Y/N)?"

"I feel a lot better now than I did before. I don't even know how I survived. Did you ressurect me?"

"No. My power is... Strange. It doesn't always work, but I had no need of it."

"Hmm, my ability can be strange sometimes too." They both laughed together quietly to not wake Ramattra, but he did shift and wrap his arms defensively around (Y/N)'s torso. "Uhm..."

"Is he hurting you?"

"N-No." She flushed up, knowing he didn't know what he was doing himself. "This is actually quite cute. Who knew the leader of Null Sector was just a big softie after all?"

"We have attacked the closest Null Sector base and a lot of the robots have been de-activated." The medic then stood up. "However, Talon knows of this and they know Ramatrra is a traitor and now he is basically just a lone Ravager now. He has no more control over Null Sector."

"Really? That's horrible. The poor dude made a deal only to have all his forces taken away from him. I will kill Doomfist and the rest of Talon for what they done to him." She placed a hand on Ramattra's neck and stroked him by there. "I bet he has had a dark past."

"Considering how much of a threat he was to the world, I also cannot help but feel sorry for him. I bet the death of Mondatta triggered more of his hatred. I guess back at Nepal with Zenyatta wasn't helpful either."

"Wait? What do you mean?"

"You haven't heard?" Mercy raised an eyebrow.

"No...?" (Y/N) was confused. "Explain."

"Apparantly, years ago, Ramattra was with Zenyatta at the Shambali and humans attacked them when they left to get supplies and Ramattra... Well... He started to kill the humans. I also heard when he was a lot younger to when he was made, he was always abused considering he was made for war. Humans always beaten him and he felt such emotions he didn't know what to do, but now... He has someone to finally take care of him and show him there are still good humans out there."

"I am glad I can help him." (Y/N) looked down and gave a small smile. "I love you, Ramatrra."

"Aww." Mercy tried not to over-react at the little cuteness moment and stood up. "I will bring food down to you in about an hour. Until then, please make sure you both get rest."

"I will. Thank you, Angela."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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