Chapter 9

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Fan Art Doesn't Belong To Me! It Belongs To It's Original Artist!

As the battle in the town continued, Overwatch Agents joined in and started to save the town from Null Sector.

Ramattra destroyed some before coming up to a human with a metal bat as a weapon of self-defence. They stared at each other for a moment, but the large Omnic ran into a different direction to finish the job.

That was until he was heavily punched in the face and was sent flying into a car. He groaned and looked to the floor to see his faceplate was shattered and broken on the floor, wires sticking from the remaining holes.

"Ramattra!" (Y/N) ran over to him and saw the damage done. One side of his face was nearly destroyed. She looked to see who done it. Doomfist. "Doomfist..." She stood up and aimed her weapon at him, now trembling in fear of the big boss. This is the man who leads Talon and now Null Sector.

"Hmm, what a waste." He looked towards Ramattra who groaned and tried to move but his body spasmed out and his arms dropped against the ground. "And here I thought the Leader of Null Sector would get away from this puny girl. Such a shame. I will show you how it is done." He started taking steps forward towards (Y/N) and she didn't dare move and inch. She couldn't. She was too scared, and yet had no idea why.

"(Y/N)!" Conattra screamed as he went to run over but got jumped by a large robot, making the rest of Overwatch look and tried their best to get over. Genji dashed up the building and started to run to the area, dodging the robot with his speed, but as he got close, he was sniped in the shoulder, making him yell out and fall to the floor, gripping it. Widowmaker was on the roof, defending Doomfist. "No!" He cried. "Leave her alone! Please!"

"Fight him, (Y/N)!" Reinhardt yelled, trying to catch her attention.

Doomfist grabbed her with his large hand, but wasn't the one where he had the gaunlet on, but it was charging up.

"Listen close, Ramattra. Betray Talon and you'll suffer greatly." He then unleashed the punch, making (Y/N) slam into the wall.

A large explosion occured as the robot was blasted into pieces. All the Agents were running to the area. Doomfist looked at them all and took a step back, not sure who to go for since there were loads of them.

"Retreat now. Mission was a success." Widowmaker then beeped a button at the order as a large Talon ship appeared, as they quickly retreated, but using Null Sector robots to make sure of it.


Reinhardt destroyed the last robot and looked at the half destroyed town.

"We failed to protect..." He mummbled and dropped his hammer to the floor, falling to his hands and knees, catching his breath. The large man then looked over to see Mercy, Zenyatta and Lucio looking over (Y/N). "Oh no..." Reinhardt got up and ran over to everyone else to see if she was okay. "Is... Is she..."

"She's alive." Cassidy crossed his arms. "But... Barely." The cowboy looked back to see Zenyatta with Ramattra who was now standing. He saw how the Omnic had a very bad messed up face as they limped over.

Ramattra shivered as he collasped next to (Y/N) trying to push Mercy away, but she only moved back slightly, hands still on the far arm.

"Be careful. She is barely breathing." Mercy warned, trying to her best to stop the blood as Ramattra placed a weak hand on her cheek, seeing the wounds and the lack of breathing. She looked so weak under him. So... hurt.

It was his fault...


Two weeks later~

Ramattra sat in the medical room, never leaving (Y/N)'s side. He saw the bandages, the tubes, the IV's, and oxygen mask. He noticed how her one leg was now robotic like the Cowboy who he didn't actually know the name for yet. His face was repaired, but onto the the point where he wouldn't die or leak out oil. They couldn't repair him fully because for starters... Ramattra refused help from another human. His white faceplate was nearly completely gone. He still had three red lights, both red eyes were still visible, and his purple jaw on his face was cracked and chipped. His voice was okay, but it contained a lot of static.

(Y/N) had woken up that morning, but didn't acknowledge Ramattra at all. Well, she didn't speak or look at anybody, just around herself.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I-I-It's m-m-my fault y-y-you'r-r-re h-hurt." Ramattra placed a hand over her free hand as she looked down ever so slightly to see the contact before he continued to talk, not knowing if she is even listening to his words. "I-I tried to p-p-p-p-protect you f-from t-them, b-b-but I j-just couldn't-t-t."


Not one word back.

He did get some response though. Her thumb moved and rubbed Ramattra's thumb as his eyes looked like they widened when they didn't and he slowly used his other hand to enjoy the small contact between them.

"How... Long?" (Y/N)'s voice was broken. The punch and the sleep has made her quiet and thirsty.

"A-A-About t-two weeks." The leader of Null Sector stood up shakily and sat on the bed now. "I-I-I n-never left y-your s-s-s-side. N-Not once."

"I..." (Y/N) couldn't think. She was too tired to talk or even look around. The woman just wanted to keep on sleeping. "Thank... You."

"Y-Y-Y-You're W-Wel-l-l-come." Ramattra leaned his head down against her own, careful not to let the metal on his broken faceplate cut her.

"You... Are not... Fixed yet. Why?"

"I-I-I refused for h-h-help."


"H-H-Humans are not all-o-o-owed t-t-to t-t-touch me." The Omnic simply spoke and pushed a red button to alert Mercy for her to come see. "O-Only you."

"R-Ram...Attra." (Y/N) closed her eyes and rested against the coolness of the Omnic that she now remembers admitting her feelings towards.

No regrets.

Just need to healed and repaired and move on with the upcoming relationship.

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