Chapter 3

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"(Y/N)! What are you doing with an omnic!?" Jack demanded to know as some members went down the slope to assist Conattra.

"He is badly wounded and I hate to see omnics or robots hurt. You know that. Plus this guy understands what he did wrong. Huh, big guy?" She smiled at Bruce as his systems heated up from embarressment.

"Uhm... yes? I hope."

"Anyways..." She walked over to Winston. "Can you put him in the ship please and try to stop the oil leaks while I help Conattra?"

"Of course, (Y/N)." Winston easily picked up the injured omnic and placed him in the ship, switching him off for safety reasons.


The purple Ravager pushed Conattra off him easily and pinned him to the wall.

"You're weak! You protect these pathetic humans and for what!? Peace!? They destroyed us omnics and I will fight for them!" The leader yelled as Conattra growled and used his claws to dig into his shoulders. "Argh!"

Conattra now grabbed the other Ravager by the throat and held him over the ledge where there was a massive drop to more abandoned building.

"Brother, stop!" Zenyatta yelled and Conattra looked back to see Zenyatta and he whined loudly and threw the leader into the nearby wall and crawled to Zenyatta, Nemesis form no longer showing. "You did well, brother, but he too... is our brother."

"He is?" He whimpered and stood up again. "Who is he?"

"I think that is Ramattra."

"R-Ramattra? Never heard of him." Zenyatta face-palmed at this and floated over to Ramattra who was weakly getting up: also not in his Nemesis form.


"B-Brother?" Ramattra looked up and groaned, gripping his one shoulder since it hurt more than the other. "W-What are you doing fighting alongside humans...?"

"I believe that peace can be found through humans and omnics fighting alongside each other and getting along as one." Zenyatta explained. "War is not needed because of some sort of descrimination against us or them. Just look at (Y/N) and out brother, Conattra."

"You did such a good job, buddy." (Y/N) put her hand through his wirey hair and he enjoyed it and held her close and giggled like a baby.

"Thank you!"

"Why does he act like a baby? He is a Ravager."

"Conattra? Well... He had a difficult past which I believe he should tell you about. But for now, please. Come with us and let us attend to your battle wounds." Zenyatta offered a hand and Ramattra didn't know what to do. If he refused, he would be destroyed. He had lost this battle. With Conattra being a challenge for him, he would lose with the help of his friends.

"Fine..." He groaned and they all began to walk up a path that lead to the dropship. He was being watched by Reinhardt, Jack and his brother that he never knew of. "How are you my brother?"

"Uhm... I don't even know." He laughed and looked back to see (Y/N) panting from her first battle before collasping. "(Y/N)!" He ran over and whimpered. "Hey... What's wrong!? Wake up!" He cried and nudged her a lot.

"Stop, you fool!" Ramattra yelled, making Conattra jump in shock. "She is exhausted from the battle. Not used to it probably. Just pick her up." He rolled his optics and they continued to walk.


Mercy and Kiriko was attending to (Y/N). Thankfully, she had no wounds but she was very exhausted and needed rest. Meaning she couldn't fix the omnics on the ship up. Let along her customers.

"We'll have to keep her shop closed for a while." Mercy started. "The Omnics who needs help will have to wait or have to find somebody else."

"What if I took over until she recovers?" Conattra offered as they all looked at him. "Or... maybe not." He sighed and walked to the back of the ship. Ramattra watched as his weird brother walked away sadly. This enraged him.

Bastion walked over to Ramattra and waved happily. He looked up to see the omnic with a bird.

"A bird?" He whispered and watched as the bird was happy and so was Bastion. "Aah..."

"What do we do with this Omnic when we get back to Gibraltar?" Winston asked Jack as he hummed and exmained the Null Sector Leader.

"He needs repairs, he is starting to leak oil, but with (Y/N) out cold, we'll have to keep him restrained in one of our facilities." Jack rubbed the bottom of his mask before removing it to breathe better. "With them cuffs on, he cannot activate his ability so he is at our mercy for now."

"I see. How is Zenyatta handling this?" Winston asked curiously, looking for the peaceful Omnic.

"I believe he is with Conattra right now."


"Brother. Do not be disheartened by the fact you cannot repair Omnics. We are all better in some stuff than others. I like how you're being helpful, but I think your job will be watching over our Brother." Zenyatta patted his back gently.

"When (Y/N) wakes up, can we count stars like we used to?"

"Of course we can."

"Yay!" Conattra stood up happily and picked Zenyatta up. "Star counting is the best!"

"Yeah..." Zenyatta chuckled.

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