Chapter 4

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(A/N): Image Was Not Created By Me! Credits Go To The Original Artist!


Back at Watchpoint Gibraltar, the Overwatch Team had escorted Ramattra to one of the facilities where he'll be held captive until further notice. He needs repairs, but (Y/N) is the specialist on the team, and nobody else wanted to do it.

"How long will I be held like this, human?" Ramattra asked Jack, or what his jacket said '76'. "Because I will not be telling you anything about my future plans against human kind."

"You will talk. Don't worry about that." Jack then closed the metal door, leaving the Omnic to think of his actions in the dim-lighted room.


Zenyatta was looking at a camera to see Ramattra sat against the wall with his heavy handcuffs on. Conattra was watching as well. He would move around but his wrist cuffs were connected to the wall where he cannot break it without his Nemesis form.

"I feel bad for him, but why was he creating war?" Conattra was confused, looking at his younger brother.

"He is suffering. He wants to bring peace and justice to the Omnics, but he is doing it the wrong way. He needs to learn to get along with them, but when he sees any Omnic getting hurt by humans, he snaps and attacks." Zenyatta sighed, getting upset. "And that was why he left the Shambali. He didn't give us an exact reason to his leaving, but it all makes sense now. He offered me to come with him, but I still had much to learn. Things got worse after Master Mondatta died."

"Master Mondatta... Can't we find his body and (Y/N) could repair him!? That way he could help brother Ramattra get better! Can we, huh!?" Conattra asked, getting too hopeful for himself.

"I suppose we could try, but we would have to find his body which we could ask the crew to help search." Zenyatta thought and then stood on his feet, getting a stretch. "We should ask Winston since he sorts or the technological things."

"Good idea, brother!" Conattra's lights shined as he 'smiled'.


Ramattra was looking around the room and shivered and looked out of the window to see it starting to rain lightly.

"Rain?" He stood up and gazed out of it. He sighed as he watched the rain bounce off the floor and saw some of the team running back and forth building. He then saw Zenyatta walking and Conattra jumping around like a puppy. They seemed really happy, but Ramattra felt sad and very jealous. "Pathetic... Why do they trust humans so damn much?" He then looked down at the floor to see a small pool of oil leaking from his leg. "Haven't they noticed this wound...?" He then sat back down and decided to have a sleep that he really did not need or want.


(Y/N) woke up in quite as Mercy immediately assisted her.

"Relax, (Y/N)." (Y/N) looked up at the medic and calmed down slowly. "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. I guess I was just tired. How is Conattra?"

"He was perfectly fine. A bit hyper, but took care of you." Mercy smiled, checking (Y/N)'s heartbeat and blood pressure. "We had to send him off due to the fact he was getting too emotional around you and we were afraid of injuries."

"I'm sure he understan- oh my! The shop! What about them poor omnics!?"

"Calm down." Mercy patted her shoulder lightly. "We closed the shop down, but allowed the omnics to sleep in the resting section until you're able to work on them."

"Thank you, Angela. I appreciate what everyone did for me." (Y/N) then stood up and stretched, cracking her arms and back in process. "Here." She handed Mercy a few credits for being bother. She did not want it, but by the time she could reject the money, (Y/N) was already gone.

Ramattra X Reader - Suffer No MoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora