Chapter 5

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"Are you sure keeping him here will be a good idea?" Conattra asked, slowly laying Ramattra down at the back of the shop on the large bed.

"Yes. However, I'll have to disable his Nemesis Mode and take the staff away from him so he won't be a threat." (Y/N) spoke as Ramattra lifted his head up before laying it back down and sighed. "Is that okay? It was ordered by the team."

"Like I have a choice. Go for it."

"Ok, Conattra please remove his scarf and any other clothing and neatly put it in the storage room where this number bed is."

"Okay!" He lifted Ramattra up and removed his scarf and any other piece of clothing on his body. Once Conattra came back, he saw Bastion and Bruce on some other beds having a conversation. He noticed how bad Bruce is in condition. "Oh... (Y/N). Bruce is going to die if we don't heal him."

"Shit... I forgot!" She opened a hatch in Ramattra's neck and disabled/locked his Nemesis form. (Y/N) then closed the hatch. "Where is your staff?" She asked as he lifted a hand and summoned it as she took it and placed it in the storage room. "I'll be back with you soon. Bruce is in bad shape right now."


"Hey, Bruce. How're you doing?" She walked over to the purple version of Bastion.

"A lot better... Thanks." He wheezed and oil leaked from his neck. (Y/N) layed him down and got out her toolbox and got her screwdriver out and stopped before her work. "I'll need you to switch off so you don't feel pain. Is that okay with you?"

"Y-Yes..." He then fell limp on himself, not feeling anymore pain for now.

(Y/N) opened his neck hatch and dislocated his head upwards so she can work on the source of the one of many problems. Ramattra watched from the distance and sat up with a groan. She noticed and gave Conattra an oil patch as he walked to Ramattra and they began to talk while he placed and held the patch on his leg.

"You know..." Conattra started to speak. "(Y/N) is better than any Omnic and Human I know. She saved my life from being left for dead by my own kind..." He stopped and looked down at the floor. "We both know I am a sorry excuse of Ravager. Well... compared to you anyway." He then chuckled. "But without her, I wouldn't have become soo powerful." He flexed his metallic muscle as Ramattra chuckled at this. "Oh! You laughed! Yay! I did it!" He jumped up and cheered to himself, banging his head in the ceiling making a hole. "Aah-!" He paniced and tried the find the closest thing to cover the hole and changed to Nemesis and and used the massive hand to cover it as (Y/N) walked to them.

"What happened?" She asked, looking at Ramattra and a very nervous Conattra.

"Uh..." The purple Ravager had no clue what to say.

"Nothing, nothing! Nothing at all, (Y/N)! Hehe!" He chcukled nervously and (Y/N) crossed her arms, eyes slightly glew a little as he whimpered and moved backwards, and she saw the hole.

"Conattra! What have I told you!?"

"I-I'm sorry!" He the cowarded down to the floor, hands covering his head as (Y/N) stood over him. "Please! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!" He was crying and yelling in fear. Ramattra sat up and grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, only for her to look at him and something in him made him gulp as he did the same at Conattra, but leaned forward. What was happening?

"(Y/N)! Stop it." Zenyatta walked in, placing a hand on her shoulder as she looked at him and blinked in confusion before collasping in his arms.

"W-What did she do...?" Ramattra shivered and gazed at his heavily shaking hands. "H-How...?"

"She has an ability to make anybody fear and get low. However, she only uses it when she loses her cool, and seeing that hole right into her apartment triggered it." Zenyatta explained and layed her on the bed opposite Ramattra. "Conattra. Are you okay?"

"She's mad... I failed even more as a Ravager! I'm a disgrace to the Omnics!" He cried and hugged Zenyatta as he hugged back.

"Get a grip!" Ramattra snapped and growled at him. "If you want to be a true Ravager, then do what is right in this case! Fix the damb ceiling and then apologise for doing it! Ravagers protect, not cower in fear!"


"R-Really...?" Conattra stood up and then his lights glew brightly as he grabbed some metal pieces and shoved them in the hole. "Brother, Zenyatta... Could you grab the lava?" He nodded as Conattra grabbed his jaw and dislocated it.

"What're you doing!? You'll kill yourself!" Ramattra yelled, not even sure why be was worrying about this weakling. Zenyatta walked back and poured the lava into Conattra's mouth and he pressed a button on his chest and he spat it out quickly into the ceiling, metal the metal as he used his normal hands to smooth it out with no leaking parts. "Oh wow... Modifications?"

"Yeah! Cool hu-" Smoke blasted out of Conattra's mouth as he coughed heavily. Zenyatta patted and rubbed his back and he smiled and snapped his jaw back to normal. "That normally happens when I use that."

"What other abilities do you have?" Ramattra asked.

"Well, I can climb buildings in Nemesis form because I have heavy claws and I have some fangs. See?" He opened his mouth to reveal fangs and a tongue what most Ravagers already have but his was also modified to be the colour blue instead of grey or gold. "Uhm... I can't think of anything else." He chuckled and looked at (Y/N) and layed on top of her gently and fell asleep.

"Brother? Why is Conattra so... different?" The purple omnic looked at his floating brother who was gazing at the two. "And why is he so obedient so that girl?"

"She did save his life, Ramattra." Zenyatta started to speak. "He just decided to stay and become a Brother to her."

"I see... So what is going to happen to me?"

"You'll be repaired and more than likely questioned. However, everything should go smoothly."

"Let's hope so..."


3 days later~

"I can't believe it... I'm repaired. And I'm red! Yes! I always wanted to be red!" Bruce admired his new body in the mirror. He was still like Bastion, but this time, he was painted a dark red with black patches and his weapons have been modified to be less destructive. He never wanted to be dangerous to the world, and now he can prove it... once the war was over. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)!"

"It's okay, pal. You might want to stay here for a few more days due to the humans not being so nice towards Omnics anymore." (Y/N) was repairing Ramattra's leg and pulled out a bullet that was stuck in his metal pieces.

"I was wondering if I can maybe stay and help out here anyway!" He chirped and walked to Bastion and they just talked to each other while Zenyatta and Conattra left to get some food and some parts to help future Omnics.

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