"Because if we've been together for three years and all of our friends have done it--even Annie and Finnick have--and you won't do it!" he says. I will do it. I did do it. If I was sober I wouldn't have.

        "Whatever," I say. "Just drop me off here," I say. "I can walk." He pulls over to the curb and unlocks the car. I open the door and get out. I shut the door. I start walking away until a hear a gun shot. I just freeze. I don't know where it came from, but it was close.

        "Did you hear that?" I hear Cato say. I turn around and see him in his car. I nod. "Get back in." I open the door and he drives me to my house. "Do you want me to come just in case the person who shot the gun comes down your street?" I nod. I may be mad at him, but I always feel safer haing him around. Ew Clichés!  He parks and we both get out. We go inside and I see Kay hiding behind a chair.

        "Kay, what are you doing?" I say.

        "I heard the gun shot and a car out front," she says coming out. She runs over and hugs me.

        "You're fine," I say. "Why don't you go facetime Cali or something." She nods and runs upstairs.

        "Are you mad at me?" Cato asks hugging me from behind.

        "I don't think so," I say looking up at him.

        "Good," he says. We go upstairs. He jumps onto my bed. "Can we talk, Clover?" If we talk then I'll spill about me and Peeta. We both agreed on taking this secret to the grave .

        "I wanna watch a movie," I say. I put in Mean Girls. Cato rolls his eyes.

        "Deal with it." I lay down next to him and we watch the movie.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to back to before the gun shot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Peeta POV:

     Rye and my dad are trying to talk to me but I don't care what they're saying. "Peeta, are you even listing to us?" Rye asks. I shake my head.

    "How long has this been going on for?" my dad asks. I shrug.

     "As long as I can remember. Why did you have to call the peacekeepers? Everything was fine before."

     "It's for your safety. Rye, did your mother ever do any of this stuff to you or Adam?" my dad asks.

     "No, she only did it to Peeta. It was generally because he doesn't excel in sports but more so in art and cooking," Rye says.

     "Man, I never realized she was such a bad parent," my dad says.

     "You think she's a bad parent?" I ask.

     "Excuse me?" my dad asks.

      "You're the one that never noticed that something was wrong! You're the one that never asked "what was wrong?"! You're the one that saw the bruises and scars and never said anything! You're the one that never even made an effort to talk to me about me! You're worse than she is! At least she paid attention! At least she could tell when I'm upset and would ask me about it! Why wouldn't you do that? Is it because I'm not man enough? Is it because you have the exact same opinion about me as Rye and Mom? Probably!" I yell. The peacekeepers are staring at us now.

      "Peeta, did you have to do that now? Couldn't you have done that later after everyone leaves?" my dad asks.

      "I'm sorry I'm not perfect, Dad. But obviously neither are you," I say. I walk away from them and go towards my house.

      I stop when I hear my mom say, "I need to see my son. Let me talk to my son. Don't touch me."

      "If you don't stop resisting us, we will take action," a peacekeeper says.

      "I need to talk to my son," my mom says. I turn around and see my mom trying to push pass the peacekeeper. Then out of no where on of the peacekeepers on the side comes up and shoots my mom in the head. I gasp and I can't move. My dad runs over to the peacekeepers and Rye runs over to me.

      "C'mon inside," he says. He drags me inside and he sits down in the living room. I run upstairs and slam my door shut. I jump onto my bed and just lay there. After a few minutes I see the screen on my phone light up. I grab it and see I have four missed calls from Katniss and fifteen texts from her. These are the texts:K- r u ok?K-Wat did Rye say?K-Peeta r u there?K-ur worrying meK-answer meK-r u inside?K-where r u?K- r u ok?K- talk to me!!K-UghK- txt me when u c theseK- wat was that noise?K-Peeta, y aren't u answering?K- who got shot?K- I'm coming over to ur house.

      I hear the front door fly open and Katniss yell "Peeta?"

      "Upstairs," I hear Rye say. I hear footsteps come up the stairs. My door opens.

      "Why on earth weren't answering my texts and calls?" she asks me.

      "Sorry, Mom," I say. I look at her and start crying.

       "Peeta, what's the matter?" she asks sitting down next to me and hugging me.

        "My mom got shot by some peacekeeper because she wasn't cooperating with them," I say.

Hey guys! So there's drama in this chapter...ish. I guess the end has some. Did any of you guys watch Big Brother tonight? It is like my summer show; well that and Under the Dome. So imma go. Peace out girl scout!

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