Part 33

7 1 0

Author : Me

Note : Next part will have some goodddddd parts

Word count : 1340

Date posted : 4.22.24


"Wait so Jessie how did you get your speed?" I asked confused on the whole story 

She smiled at me, sitting on the medical bed "I don't even know, I just started realizing my powers when I got back to my earth"

"Everything is normal, medically speaking nothing is wrong with you" Caitlin typed some things into the computer "Your a speedster just like Barry" 

Jessie couldn't get the smile off her face, and I couldn't blame her. "Hey Cisco if I'm a speedster like Barry what are you thinking about for a suit?" 

"Oo I have some ideas, I should probably get started on that. Thank's for reminding me." Cisco put his hand out in front of me, giving her a high five. He was obviously excited about all  this, and I'm not sure I can relate to that. 

We had so much going on already, and now this. We have to train and make suits, we have to be there for her. "Oh my gosh are you..." She picked up my hand looking at the ring. "Are you engaged?!" 

I smiled, for some reason that kinda lightened the mood "Yeah, I am actually he purposed last night. So very recent." 

She nodded "That's amazing, and I'm sure I'm right but it's Barry.... right?" 

I heard Caitlin laugh and I tried to laugh it off "Yes, um yup it's Barry" 

"Aw you guys are gonna have cute little speedster babies!!" Her voice got high and excited. "Oh image little speedster kids you guys would be raising..." She kept going on and on.

 But I just thought about me and Barry's kids. What their names would be, what they would look like, their future even. My future.

"Thea?" She questioned and shook my arm "Thea?" 

I looked at her again "Gosh I'm so sorry, I actually just remembered I had a really important thing to do." I grabbed my stuff and walked over to Caitlin "Just text me if you need anything" I told her

She nodded and I walked out hearing Jessie yell out to be safe. I thought she was nice but what she said it tripped me up tonight. I wanted to think, alone. For a second. So I went to the lounge and stood on the balcony. I needed to listen to my thoughts, I needed to calm myself down. I got myself a drink and stood in the bright sun and light wind. 

I was standing there for probably twenty minutes before Barry joined me. "Why are you hiding up here?" 

I sighed and looked over to him, "I don't wanna talk right now Barry" 

He leaned on the railing, "Thea just tell me what's bothering you" His voice was quiet and calm. 

It almost made me jealous "Jessie was talking to me, and..." I paused wondering if it was right to say. "She brought up our speedster kinda kids we would have." I smiled to myself "But I..." I stopped myself again "Forget it" 

He stood up and grabbed my hands that were crossed in front of me. "Tell me" He whispered stepping closer to me. 

I sighed again looking at my shoes. "I want a normal life." I pulled away from his hands and ran home, I didn't want to talk, I just needed time.  

I sat at our table a coffee in my hand and a case sprawled out of the table. I wasn't intending to stay at the house all day, but it was too peaceful. I was working on a case, trying to put the pieces together. It had probably been like two or three hours before Barry showed up at the house. 

"Hi Thea" He called from the front door and walked over to me. 

I looked back at him and smiled "Hi" 

He gently rubbed my shoulder "So you work, when you need to think?" 

I sighed feeling pleasure from under his touch on my back "Yeah, it takes my mind of things" I noticed Barry shifting his feet and brought my attention to him "Why are you home so early?"

"Just checking on you, making sure you were okay" He brought his hand back to his side, relaxing it there.

I straightened my back and turned to look at him "I'm doing just fine, I wanted to say that I'm sorry" I paused "I shouldn't of just walked away from you" 

He smiled almost looking relieved I said that "No it's totally okay, you didn't want to talk about it" 

My eyes traveled to the floor, I almost felt ashamed. It wasn't right that I walked away, and I put him in a position were it was like it was all his fault. "No it isn't. You can't change my life and make it perfect, I expect too much from you and I'm sorry" 

He wrapped his arm the one that was rubbing my back, it was now pulling me closer to him. Almost like a half hug "Thea, it's okay. I'm not mad" 

I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. "I know but-" 

"Hey." he used his other arm and wrapped it over my shoulder, he held onto me tightly. "It is okay Thea" 

I wrapped my arms around his chest, feeling his warmth. "I say I want a normal life, but I won't accept that this is our normal"

He rested his head on top of mine lightly, listing to what I was saying. 

"Fighting meta humans and keeping people safe, its all normal. But I can't let go of my life before this, before I was with the speed force." I admitted, finally letting it all out "It isn't any of your fault it's mine." 

His hand rubbed my back, sending shivers through my spine. "You know I had a really hard time letting go of my past as well.." 

I pulled out of the hug and looked at him, feeling sympathy for him. His mom was murdered and his dad went to prison for it, he grew up with a dad who wasn't his. 

He moved one of his hands to mine, holding it tightly. "Sometimes you just have to face it, face your past" 

I listened to his words and realized I was attached to my past. I was so addicted to thinking how my life would be with out these powers. I squeezed his hand "I'll try, I promise" 

He gently lifted my hand to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on the palm of my hand. I smiled at him already feeling my face warm up. "Thea I love you, let's try to get through this" 

"I love you, Barry" Just then my phone dinged and I looked down at it. 

"Hey Thea, I know it's been like a day after you told us all about the engagement but I was thinking. And why don't we celebrate, you know the last time that we go lunch well it was interrupted." From-Felicity

I smiled and looked at Barry after reading it over, letting him read the message as well. "What do you think?" I asked 

A smile rose on his face "Yes" 

"That sounds amazing what are you guys thinking of?"  I responded

I waited for her to text back "Where do you think team arrow wants to go?"

Barry shrugged "Probably a bar" 

My phone dinged again and I read the message from Felicity "There is this new bar in Star City and I think it would be so fun to go to" 

I showed Barry my phone "How'd you know they were gonna say that?" 

He laughed "Just knew" 

"Yes of course, that sounds like a lot of fun. Just text me the address and the time we need to be there!" I quickly typed into my phone showing Barry the message as well.

"Okay we should probably head back to CCPD, I don't want to get fired." He said after I placed my phone in my pocket.

I groaned "Your right, I'm surprised we aren't already" 

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