Part 4

44 2 0

Author : Me

Notes : This one is a little more intense than the other ones just stick with me here 

Word count : 1707

Date posted : 3.18.24


It had been a couple months with my power's and I got used to them, Nothing big had happened just a bunch of meta fighting's. I also started having voice's talk to me in my head, I always think of it as myself trying to make me feel less afraid. They would help guide me and even give me ideas. I don't know, I didn't want people to know though. I already thought I was crazy, so I just kept it to myself.  Me and Barry were dating and I was sleeping at Joe's house because I was way too busy to even get a place to live.

I opened my eyes to the window shining straight in them, "Oww shut it!" I covered my eyes and realized I was talking to nobody. I quickly stood up and shut the curtains racing back to the comforts of the couch. I started to fall asleep again when Joe walked down the stairs. 

"Hey Joe good morning" I decided, I had to get up 

He rubbed his eyes and yawned "Morning" he said quietly 

"You want some coffee?" I asked him and walked to the kitchen where he stood 

He nodded "Um decaf please" 

I nodded and ran to Jitters. After I ordered the drinks and got them back I ran home trying my best not to spill them. 

Joe was in the same spot when I came back, I handed him the coffee cup and he sipped it slowly. I also ordered Barry one because he likes coffee too "Um Thea?" Joe asked "Your not supposed to take the mug home" 

"Oh, I know I just like the mugs better" 

He laughed "So are you gonna end up returning them or..?" 

I looked at him smiling "I have no idea, I probably should though" 

Barry ran down stairs and stood next to me sipping his coffee as well "What's got Joe smiling so hard"

He didn't even realize he was holding a jitters coffee mug. I pointed to the mug and he read it "Thea!" He said and slapped my shoulder lightly 

I looked at them both, "I'm gonna have to get used to two speedsters in the house" Joe said and grinned "You know what that means?" 

We looked confused at him "What?" I asked 

"Guess who's gonna be cleaning this house for now" Joe said and started walking back upstairs. 

I whinnied and looked at Barry wrapping my arms around his neck, he set the coffee on the table. "When do you think he'll get tired of me?" I asked Barry

He shook his head "I don't think he will with all these coffee's you get him"

I laughed "I hope he doesn't because I have nowhere to go." 

He nodded "If its a big deal to you I'll get you a place and we could live there, you know we have been together for like seven months now?"

I smiled "Yeah I guess" I stood on my toes and kissed him "Mhm, go get ready your gonna be late for work."

He backed up and shushed me "I'm the Flash" with that he zoomed out of there quickly. 

I smiled and started getting dressed using my speed as well. I still didn't have a name, but I decided on something I was called in Starling city when I fought crime with my brother. Speedy. No its not amazing but what else are you supposed to call a female speedster? Mrs Flash? Like no thanks. 

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