Part 3

52 2 0

Author : Me

Notes : This part is sweet, and cute 

Word count : 1157

Date posted : 3.16.24


"Thea, Thea you have to breath. Your freaking out, its okay" Barry got close to me and held tightly onto my wrists. 

My world was getting dizzy I couldn't catch my breath "Barry..." I looked at him 

He didn't know how to react and I couldn't blame him I was freaking out. "Thea, look at me" 

I made eye contact with him, out faces inches apart again. 

Barry quickly leaned in and kissed me, I felt a shock of electricity hit my lips. My heart slowed down. It was so nice and relaxing, feeling my body loosen from the tenseness of the situation. He moved his hand to my jaw and held us there for a couple seconds before he pulled back. 

I looked at him "I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do" he explains

I shook my head "No, no Barry you helped me." I smiled 

He moved his hand to mine "I will tell you everything, okay? But we are at a crime scene and the CCPD police are coming around the corner. Lets focus on this first then we can talk" 

I nodded and felt him squeeze my hand as he opened the door getting out, me doing the same. 

The case went by quickly, it wasn't planned or anything. Just a new driver learning how to drive. That was really it. 

Instead of going to the CCPD to work on cases with Barry we went to S.T.A.R labs they needed to know I had this going on as well. 

"No. Way" Cisco said "Two speedsters" 

I nodded "I was just as surprised" 

Cisco brought us to a room called the 'speed lab'. It was this little place where Barry had trained to master his powers. 

"Okay all you gotta do is run around this little tunnel and wear this little bracelet so we can track your vitals and speed" He paused and Caitlin and Harrison came in looking surprised 

"I haven't really tried running fast like this and I don't want to break anything-" 

Cisco cut me off  "You wont, don't worry everything is perfectly safe when your up there." 

I nodded and got ready, Barry walked up and stood next to me "Are you wanting me to run with you maybe help you through it the first couple times?" He asked 

I nodded "Yeah just the first couple times till I get used to it" 

He smiled at me and we both looked back to Cisco, Caitlin, and Harrison. They were ready and watching. I looked back at the tunnel, and started running feeling my body move faster than ever. I looked at Barry passing him his orange lighting behind him leaving a trail. I looked back in front of me and kept running, I passed Barry a couple more times. It was one of the best feelings ever, just having the wind rush past you like its only you in the world and nothing else matters. I didn't ever want to stop. 

Barry looked at me and got out of the tunnel, I followed not long after him doing a couple more laps. Barry looked at me impressed "Your faster than I've ever ran!"

I bit my lip "Gosh that feels great, just not caring about anything else in the moment." I tucked my hair behind my ear.

Harrison looked at me "Your doing good we just have to train you to be like Barry, and help stop metas" 

"Metas?" I asked 

Harrison looked at Barry "You haven't told her yet?" 

Barry defended himself "Well the subject wasn't really brought up so no" 

"Metas are people who were affected by the explosion and have dark matter in their system, for instinct your a meta because you have powers." Harrison explained 

I nodded "Oh okay and I'm guessing some of the wrong people have gotten powers and now they like to do things they aren't allowed to do?"

Barry nodded "Yeah and we are gonna stop them" 

"They call Barry the Flash" Cisco said proud of himself 

I smiled "What should my name be?" I asked 

Everyone got silent "Yeah I got nothing" Caitlin smiled at me 

"We'll figure that out but for now take it easy, and train because that is extremely important" Harrison started wheeling out of there and I looked at Barry. 

"Okay I'm gonna head back to CCPD and work on some of this stuff, you gonna help or?" I asked Barry

He nodded "Ill come help" he smiled and we went to CCPD.

The next couple of weeks were crazy. I was able to take down my first meta couple metas, and I helped stop a fire. I also finished my stack of papers with Barry's help of course and Cisco has even been working on a suit for me! It was going pretty well, that was until they figured out I worked with the arrow and I used to help take down bad guys in starling city.

"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Harrison asked everyone almost had a look of disappointment or hurt on their face. 

"Well, because it didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now" I said "I don't understand the big deal?!" 

"The arrow is a killer, he is no protector, hes just a guy who kills people to get what he wants!" Harrison kept fighting with me about this.

Everyone stayed quiet almost witnessing it all go down "I don't care who you think he is or what you think he does, I really don't!" I paused "I didn't say I was still working with him anyways, you need to calm down"

"He is a killer, and I'm so pissed you decided not to tell us" Harrison had a look of pure hatred on his face

"Okay, okay" Barry stood in front of me and Harrison "Lets stop fighting" he looked back at me "Let's talk" his expression was soft, I nodded. 

We walked to the speed lab and I looked at Barry. "I know he's your brother" Barry told me whispering

"I figured, you guys are friends" 

He nodded "Listen I don't know why Harrison is making a big deal about it, maybe he is jealous or he just has trust issues I don't know. I am not defending him on this, but we need to just stop fighting so we can focus on your powers" He said 

I nodded "okay, then lets do that" 

We walked back to the Cortex and everyone was working on something different. I walked over to Caitlin and started helping her with her project, me and Harrison went through the day without saying anything. Which was fine with me, every time he got close to me I would move away and help somebody else. I was so mad at him for even talking about my brother like that, it hurt me the more I thought about it. 


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