"It is" said Erica "This isn't small at all it's huge" I said "Well it is a mini mansion" she said "A mini mansion?!" I repeated. "But it didn't say that on the list" I said in shock. "Every house on that list was a mansion or a penthouse apartment, the list came from my high end personal real estate agent." She explained. "Ah this suddenly makes more sense" I said "What's that suppose to mean" asked Erica with an eyebrow raised. "It's just that you're subconsciously a very expressive person" I pointed out. "Huh?" She replied. I sighed "How can I put this, everything you touch is expensive I've noticed that you've subconsciously developed an expansive taste" I said Erica made a thinking face. "Huh? Have I?" She asked. "Yes, everything we do together is expensive rather it's vacation, or eating out, even shopping all those things are at the most expensive places, I still have mini heart attacks when I see high prices even though you gifted me a bank card last year with no limit on it" I explained.

"I don't do it intentionally I think it's because I grew up pretty well off then I became who I am today so now I'm kind of use to living in luxury I guess" she explained I nodded. "That is exactly what it is" I said before an idea came to mind. "You need to learn how to be less expensive so how about letting me mange your money for a month?" I asked she looked at me confused "Mange my money?" She repeated. "Yeah I'll set a price this month and you have to try and use only that amount on what you do daily" I said. She shrugged "I'm fine with that" she said, she agreed so quickly.

Just then Erica pulled out her wallet and put it in my hands. "All my bank cards and accounts numbers are in there" she said nonchalantly. "Your just handing this to me?" I said in shock, my Ma doesn't even let my Pa hold her cards and that's because he has a spending problem. "Yeah" she said with a shrug. "Your not afraid that I'll get tempted?" I asked. "You said that I have expensive taste right?" She asked. "Yeah?" I replied, "Well you don't, you're very well mannered when it comes to the spending even though I've made it clear to you that I have no shortage of money" she said. I looked at her surprised.

"What, but I bought a 17 dollar movie app subscription the other day" I said. "17 dollars really? That doesn't even put a dent in what I have" said Erica. "Well that's pretty reckless spending to me" I said as I rolled my eyes at her. "That's the problem" said Erica I raised an eyebrow at her. She then grabbed the wallet from my hand. What? Did she change her mind. I watched as she opened it and suddenly pulled out a yellow bank card before holding it up to my face. "This card has a limit on it, if you can max it out within the same month you're giving me I'll let you manage my money for the rest of our lives" she said. "And if I can't?" I asked "then you'll just have to develop an expansive taste as well" said Erica with a smirk, I frowned I refuse to become a reckless spender like her.

And that's how our bet was made.

I sighed on the couch of our new home in a ridiculously large living room. I held up the yellow card looking at its silver numbers, my girlfriend really is a weirdo what type of person encourages you to spend all their money!?!, Hm what if I give it to charity?. I asked myself but then remembered that Erica said it has to be on things for me and no one else. But there's nothing I need right now every since I officially started dating Erica she's made sure I have no shortage of things I need. just then I got a phone call so I picked up my phone without looking only to hear Sam's voice.

The call;
"Hello?" I said "Hey bestie!" Said Samantha I smiled hearing her voice. "Hey Sam" I replied. "What are you doing right now did you guys get moved into your new place yet?" She asked "Yeah we did I'm sitting on the couch in the living of it as we speak" I said "That great I can't wait to see it, but why do you sound so troubled?" she asked. "It's nothing I made this silly bet with Erica after pointing out that she's a reckless spender and suggesting that I mange her money for a month just to see if she's cable of not spending so much" I explained. "And what did she say?" Asked Sam "She gave me her card with a limit on it and said if I can max it out she'll let me manage her spending from now on, but I can't spend it on other people it has to be on myself" I explained. Just then Sam laughed. "Ha you're going to lose this bet" she said as she laughed in my ear. Some friend she is, "What no I'm not!" I said "You so are, you're afraid of expansive things" she said still giggling. "No I'm not" I said "Yes you are you actively avoid them" she said.

"Whatever, I should hang up in your face" I said she chuckled in response and I sighed. "I don't really need anything so what am I supposed to spend this on" I asked. "How about something you want" said Sam, "Something I want?" I repeated "Yes!, man I wish I could be there with you, I'd help you Max out that card within two days" she said and honestly I believe she's capable of doing just that, she's just as much of a reckless spender as Erica. Actually she's worse, "I guess I'll just have to make do without" I said "Ugh your breaking my heart" she said dramatically. I chuckled, "Well since I can't be there I'll give you some big sister advice" she said . "Your not my big sister your just two months older then me" I said. But she completely ignored me "As I said big sister advice" she said I rolled myself but continued to listen. "Stop worrying so much about how much you spend, you have a hot goddess like girlfriend who owns damn near the whole world, if she's encouraging you to use her money then do it!" Said Samantha. "Geez even your advice is reckless" I replied. "You know what I would argue with you but I have to go, call me later?" she asked. "Yeah" I replied "Good, love you bye" she said before hanging up.
End of call.

I sighed and opened goggle on my phone, if I'm going to do this I at least need to know what I'm working with here. I typed in my question asking how much was the limit on a yellow bank card then pressed search only to see that the limit was. 500k how was I supposed to spend 5k in one month?!.

Sam was right I am going to lose and have to become like her and Erica, ugh I could hear my mama nagging from here.


End of chapter; I wish I had someone who wants me to spend all their money 😩.

Question for the day; if you had the opportunity to spend 500k what would you buy first?.

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