Chapter 6: What is a pirate, really?

Start from the beginning

Kumagawa:[She really is a terrible liar.]

Kaeya:Hmph! Treasures that consist of nothing but gold and gems are third-rate treasures...My grandfather's treasure is a sword A magic sword that grants the wielder unrivaled power!


Kaeya:The sword was dropped from Celestia into the sea by a god. It was later salvaged by my grandfather's crew by pure coincidence. The moment he gripped the sword, thunder roared, billows hollowed, and the clear skies were suddenly swallowed by raging winds...

Kumagawa had an idea of what he's talking about. While not exactly the same, this did remind him of the Hero's Sword and the Fool's Katana which Najimi made for her little game at Suisou.

He's not sure what happened to them after. But he could guess Najimi most likely left them to Kushi as consolation for the poor terminal that was beat by Saki and then screwed by him while she was under Saki's control.

Of course, Kumagawa knows that Kaeya is lying through his teeth right now. Still, he can't help but maje the association.

Kaeya:With the might of the magic sword, my grandfather went on to defeat a hydra, a silver-haired banshee, a wicked abyss dragon...But the immense power of the sword enticed many more greedy pirates. To avoid meaningless conflicts, my grandfather hid the magic sword.

Lumine:Eight-headed hydras, silver-haired banshees...Do they really exist?

Kumagawa:[We've already encountered a wind dragon. Although these guys seem to be pretty fun as well.]

Kaeya:I thought you'd say that. The world we live in is fascinating, full of unknown and inexplicable wonders. These incredibly thrilling adventures are romances that could only be told by pirates.

Paimon:Holy moley! That's just insane!

Kaeya:A gang of Treasure Hoarders has been very active lately and many ruins have had their relics stolen by them. I'm afraid that they will soon discover the Arcadian Ruins and the magic sword will be lost...

Paimon:We won't let it fall into the wrong hands! We must get the sword before them. You just rest assured that Paimon, Kumagawa and Lumine are here to help!

Kaeya:Wow! Great! Please keep it a secret. I'll wait for your good news!

With those parting words Kaeya turned around and headed back in the Headquarters. The three talked among themselves about the situation.

Paimon:So, what do you think.

Lumine:Is it true?

Kumagawa:[Treasure Hoarders, huh? We had seen a few of those guys. They go into such places, be they sacred or not, and just take everything as they please by using force against thise before them. Kind of like bandits...Wait, they also rob people in broad daylight like bandits. What makes them different from bandits again?]

Paimon:Well...Um, that's because...Paimon doesn't know, but they're totally different! Anyway, we should look for the Lost Arcadia Ruins.

Lumine:It'd be easier if we had more informations...

Kumagawa:[Than, how about asking some of our fellow adventurers? In this line of work there's a lot of intel all over the place, no?]

Paimon:Yeah! Let's go to the Adventurers' Guild and see if we can find out more.

However, their quest for informations proved fruitless. Kumagawa expected such an outcome, as all of this was just a big hoax.

He plays along with him for a simple reason, that being curiosity. He's just curious what Kaeya's real goal is, he had always been one for mind games.

He'd also like to note that those little interogations were especially useless with an adventurer that calls himself Stanley. He supposed it could be excused, from what he saw the guy suffered from some serious PTSD.

He wasn't him him, it was merely an observation. He's the last person in the world that would have any right to judge how someone was shaped by their trauma.

Paimon:Still no clues...Well, it's not like it's gonna be easy! Come one, it's the hiding place of the super amazing sword! Anyway, we should go meet up with Kaeya first.

Lumine:Whatever he was doing, he must have finished by now. He'd sure be much more helpful than what we got this far...

Kumagawa's eyes track back to the person who was following them all the while. Having caught a glimps of him, the minus saw their stalker having a red scard covering his face and ragged clothes.

Kumagawa:[Ah, so this is what he was planning...]


Kumagawa:[Nothing. I just think I might like Kaeya-chan a bit more than I originally thought.]

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