Part - 4 after wedding

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After all the rituals happens now its turn of joota chupai.

Ishaan : so how much?
Sisters : 1 lakh atleast.
Jiya : just one lakh come on sisies at least ask 10 lakhs for this. I mean he is talking so precious girl from your family and you demanded just one lakh really?
Sana : oh fairy of fairy land please come down on floor from sky. Do you have any idea how much he spends on you.
Jiya : huh.. i mean..
Sana : no no. So finger on your lips and its our ritual and for us 1 lakh is enough.
Jiya : but Sana.
Sana : I said finer on your lips.

Jiya pouts and everyone smiles.

Ishaan : no problem if she wants i'll give you 10 lakh its fine.
Jiya : really?
Ishaan : yes really.
Jiya : no no it's fine just one lakh is enough i was just teasing you.
Ishaan : its ok.
Jiya : aww i love you.
Ishaan : I love you to.
Sana : (clear her throat) we are here please focus.
Ishaan : sorry ah yeah.
Sana : its fine only one please.
Ishaan : sure?
Sana : yes sure.
Druv : wait ishaan I have something for you.
Ishaan : what?
Druv : here (Gives him new pair of shoes)
Ishaan : huh?
Druv : now you don't have to pay anything to anyone.
Sana : this is not fare.
Druv : everything is fare in love and war madam.
Sana : Jiya!
Jiya : I have finger on my lips.
Sana : jiju say something.
Ishaan : ah.. (Jiya wink to ishaan) ok.
Sana : yes.
Ishaan : thank you Druv.
Sana : what?
Ishaan : now i dont have to pay you guys and I am free to go.

Takes the shoes and wear it.

Ishaan : don't be sad sana i'll pay you guys.
Sana : its ok. (Glare to Druv)
Druv smirks.

Ishaan: so lets go.
Sana : ah huh? Where?
Ishaan : in room or where?
Sana : Mr ishaan today is not your 1st night i am taking her with me she will spend her nigh with me for today.
Ishaan : why?
Sana : because tomorrow you guys have some more rituals to do after that she is all yours and you can spend your whole life with her under one terrace.
Ishaan : fine. See you tomorrow.
Jiya : see you. Love you
Ishaan : love you to.
Druv : oh hello where i am gonna stay?
Ishaan : in my room come.

Sana takes Jiya to her room and ishaan take Druv to his room. Ishaan was changing while druv was alredy in his comfort cloths he start talking with ishaan.

Druv : you are to sweet for them.
Ishaan : its fine come on Druv.
Druv : you don't want to see bhabhi?
Ishaan : I do but she is tired i know she need some rest and tomorrow she will be here with me.
Druv : one sec dude if bhabhi will be here then where i am gonna sleep tomorrow.
Ishaan : ask Sana she is arranging everything for everyone.
Druv : ok  (walks)
Ishaan : where are you going?
Druv : for asking sana.
Ishaan : but you can ask her tomorrow.

Druv just ignore him and walks towards the Jiya's room.

Meanwhile Jiya's room.
Jiya already changed her cloths with the help of sana and sana was about to go to change but Jiya room's door knocked by someone.

Sana : really it was just one night why can't he sleep.
Jiya : its ok i'll attend him you go and change.
Sana : shut up if you gonna attend him then you will go with him. Sit here silently. I'll talk to him.

Sana walks to the door and opened it.

Sana : why you just can't sleep without ji----.   You???
Druv : hi sweetheart.
Sana : its Sana.
Druv : i am fine with sweetheart.
Sana : but i am not.
Druv : who cares..Anyways. Could you please tell me where i am gonna sleep tomorrow?
Sana : you are here to ask me this, at this time.
Druv : yes because you know i need a confirmation that I have a room already. Because tomorrow bhabhi is gonna sleep in Ishaan's room so I don't want to be abandoned. But i dont mind to have a sleep in your room.
Sana : you will not, don't worry about it. I will arrange one room for you tomorrow.
Jiya : Sana why are you taking so long?

Sana was about to reply but Jiya came by herself and saw Druv on the door.

Jiya : what are you doing here?
Druv : nothing just asking about my room and by the way ishaan is missing you alot.
Jiya : thank you for informing now you can leave.
Druv : sure, no problem but---
Jiya : what are you waiting for? go and change i'll handle him. Go. (To sana)

Sana nodded and went inside for changing. Jiya knows why is druv here at this time Sana can fall for Druv's tantrums but Jiya can't. Jiya clearly shu Druv and closes the door and went inside. Druv went to his room. Sana came out from washroom after changing her cloths and asks everything is alright. Jiya just nodded and tell her to sleep because it's already very late and tomorrow they have reception party to attend. They are tired from today's rituals so they need rest. On the other hand Druv and Ishaan also went for sleep.

That's it for today. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Thanks for giving your time to this and reading it and don't forget to comment your thoughts about it. And do vote for it.

Love you guys....

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