The Tragedy

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Blackstar gulped down the rest of his mouse, looking around the empty clearing. He felt something was off, some dreadful feeling he couldn't seem to undestand. Suddenly, a loud yowl was heard and all of the cats ran into the clearing. It was Pumpkinspice holding the bodies of Hourglass and Countrymusic. Their three aprentices followed. "What happened??" Blackstar yowled, trying not to let the other cats hear grief in his voice.

"There...There was a badger..and Countrymusic was killed...But Hourglass is alive! He...he can't be dead, right? I never got to tell him that I..." Pumpkinspice's voice trailed off. "Um, forget that last part," she meowed.

Blackstar cringed at the sight of Countrymusic's dead body. He was one of Blackstar's only friends who really supported him. "W-well, take Hourglass to Leafpool. I'll deal with Countrymusic." He rasped. "You should also get your wounds taken care of."

Blackstar dragged Coutrymusic's body into the clearing, watching Pumpkinspice take Hourglass into the medicine cat's den.

Galaxystar emerged from her den, her expression quickly changing when she saw Blackstar's eyes. It was almost as if they told her what had happened.

The pressed their pelts against each other. "It's going to be okay," Blackstar meowed.

Galaxystar's Story Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now