A New Start

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Galaxystar stretched her claws out, arching her back as the sunlight streamed into her den. It was a beautiful morning, the sun had finally come out of the clouds after the rain to dry the ground. Galaxystar saw the kits playing with the dew on the leaves, the apprentices practicing battle moves, and Blackstar, Galaxystar's mate and deputy, sitting by a bush in the clearing, patiently waiting for her. They rubbed their pelts against each other. "Good morning, Galaxystar," meowed Blackstar, looking straight into her eyes. Galaxystar sat down and they talked for a while. More cats started waking up and coming into the clearing.

"I'll assign patrols," Blackstar assured her. Galaxystar nodded and went to get some fresh-kill. She crouched down to see a few birds and rabbits, their fur and feathers a bit damp from the rain and dew. The fresh-kill pile was a bit low. Blackstar was by the fresh-kill pile, so he knows there's not much prey. He'll send out a patrol to get more, Galaxystar thought to herself. She picked up a rabbit and went to a patch of moss to eat it. Pumpkinspice was there as well, eating a sparrow. "Oh, hey, Galaxystar!" she meowed. "Hello, Pumpkinspice," replied Galaxystar. "I would like for you, Countrymusic, and Hourglass to go and train your apprentices on how to indentify scents." Pumpkinspice smiled. "Of course! I'll head out right away!"

Galaxystar looked over at Blackstar, who was assigning patrols. She admired his way of thinking. He always knew what cats to put with each other. He was a good deputy, and an even better mate.

Galaxystar's Story Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now