The Training

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Pumpkinspice's POV

We were assigned to train our apprentices, all three of us. Me, Hourglass, and Countrymusic. "There's a frog nearby! Do you know that scent?" meowed Countrymusic. I sniffed the air. There was a frog nearby, but there was also...something else. I couldn't quite put my paw on it. I decided to stay silent and continue training with Ryepaw. Hourglass and Countrymusic did the same. 

The mysterious scent started to come closer. The other cats weren't noticing it, though. During training, I spaced out a lot, thinking about if we were safe. Luckily, I had Hourglass to tell me to snap out of it.

Suddenly, everything went silent. The birds stopped singing. (backwards sans battle) We all froze. A huge badger leaped out of the fog covered in blood of other cats. We ran through the pines, the thumping of paws driving everything out. Countrymusic latched onto the badger, sinking his teeth into its shoulder. I could hardly see. I slashed the badger's muzzle while Hourglass scratched its eyes. It suddenly opened up its jaws, leaping at me, ready to tear me apart. Before it could do it, Hourglass knocked it over and slashed its belly. The badger swiped  at Countrymusic, knocking him against a tree. I tried to help him, but it was no use. He was already dead.

Hourglass had ripped the badger to shreds. It ran away faster than a rabbit. Hourglass lay on the ground, covered in blood. He wasn't dead, but horribly injured. I had to bring him and Countrymusic's body back to camp.

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