Chapter 14

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The sight of a rotten gruesome dead body sent chills down everyone's spine. As Richard bent towards the dead body, he quickly placed a handkerchief over his nose. The rotting smell was so intense that it filled the whole room.

The dead body looked old, with wrinkled and discoloured skin. It smelled awful like something had died inside. It was covered in tiny bugs, and there were holes where the bugs had eaten through. It seemed like it had been there for a long time, getting worse each day. The body was falling apart, and the smell made you want to gag. It was clear it had been left out in the open for a while, left to rot and decay.

Mike rosed out of the storage room and stepped toward the receptionist where he stood in freeze. Mike's eyebrow furrowed and said, "Why the rotten dead body of a man is in the storage room? Can you answer this?"


An unsettling and eerie hush permeated the entire hall, leaving an uncomfortable tension in the air. Every single person who was present - staff, guests, and police officers alike - stood in solemn silence. The receptionist, though present, stood in a state of grief and fear, and the rest of the staff members shared the same feeling of unease.

All of the guests and police officers sat there, each with numerous questions on their minds.

"Are you responsible for the murders that took place here?" Richard asked firmly.

The receptionist lifted his head and responded, "Absolutely not, sir. I can assure you that I had no involvement in the deaths of any of our motel's guests."

"How can we believe you," Mike said.

As Richard was lost in thought, a female staff member caught his attention by speaking out of turn. "Sir, our receptionist hasn't killed the guests of this motel!" she exclaimed, making everyone turn to look at her.

Richard was taken aback by her bold statement and asked her how she could be so sure. The female staff didn't hesitate for a moment and stepped forward, her head bandaged. She seemed determined to reveal the truth, no matter the cost.

"The rotten dead boy is the owner of this motel," she said, her words shocking everyone in the room. The receptionist tried to interrupt her, but the female staff member was resolute. It was clear that she had a story to tell, and it would change everything they thought they knew about the mysterious events at the motel.

She continued "This place owner is a very arrogant and rude person. He used to shout at us about every small thing and always found some fault in our work. He never treats us like a human being but still, we all tolerate his behaviour and never we have rudely responded to him. But then one day..."


The owner of the motel briskly stepped into the motel. He seems The man stumbled into the motel, his steps heavy and unsteady from the effects of alcohol. As he made his way to the front desk, he noticed the temperature in the hallway was unusually warm. Furrowing his brow, he approached the receptionist and spoke in an irritable tone, "Why have you turned the heater so high? Do you pay the bills of this motel or me? Tell me!!"

The receptionist, taken aback by the man's sudden outburst, quickly rose from his seat and made his way to the hallway's heater. He slowed down the temperature, causing the hallway to become cooler. Despite feeling the chill himself, the receptionist didn't want to argue with his boss about such a trivial matter.

The owner, now in a better mood, made his way to the storage room where one of his female staff was busy putting away cardboard boxes. Unaware of her boss's presence behind her, she stumbled upon something and fell onto him. Both of them crashed onto the floor, with the woman staff landing on top of her boss.

Realizing her mistake, the woman staff frantically scrambled to her feet, leaving her boss lying on the floor. As he got up, he noticed a deep cut on his right arm from a piece of glass on the ground. Fuming with anger, he yelled at his staff member, "Hey, you trash! Look what you have done to me!"

The woman staff, trembling with fear, apologized profusely, but her boss was not appeased. He continued to shout at her for her mistake, refusing to accept her apology.

The outburst of a man's voice echoed through the hallway, reaching the ears of the receptionist and all the staff. They could hear him yelling at a woman staff member, their words laced with anger and aggression. The motel was empty at that time, with no guests staying in any of the rooms.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, originating from the woman staff member. Reacting quickly, the receptionist sprinted towards the direction of the scream, and several staff members followed him. Pushing open the door, a horrifying sight came before their eyes – the owner had pounced on the female employee, and slammed her head hard on the floor with both his hands.

In a quick move, a staff member took out his phone and began to record the disturbing scene as evidence to show police officers. The receptionist immediately rushed toward them after seeing the woman bleeding from her head. Just as he was about to pull the owner away, the female employee miraculously released a blast of strength, forcefully pushing the owner into the wall.

The collision was brutal, due to which the owner's head got cracked and blood started flowing. A wave of fear swept over the audience, sending shivers down their spines. Acting promptly, the receptionist carried the injured woman to a nearby hall, where another staff member quickly began treating her wounds. A small bloodstain of the female staff was accidentally left in the corner of the storage room's doorway, but no one noticed it.

The atmosphere was tense and filled with panic as everyone in the room watched in horror as the injured woman's staff bandages were being applied. The receptionist, who was also present, looked at her with a calm and composed expression and said, "Don't worry about anything. I will take care of everything."

"But sir," the injured woman asked in a trembling voice, "what will you do?"

The receptionist took a deep breath and replied, "If the police find his dead body, then I will tell them that I have killed him."

All the staff members present in the room were taken aback and looked at him in shock and disbelief. The injured female staff spoke up and said, "No sir, please don't make yourself the murderer."

The receptionist took a step towards her, placed his hand on her shoulder, and said, "You are like my daughter, and I don't want to spoil my daughter's life."

Back To The Present Day,

"In the end, even our receptionist was convinced to take the blame for the murder instead of me. But still, we tried to protect him," the female staff explained.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy with shock and disbelief. Every person present seemed to be convinced by the female staff member's story, but the police officers present were still sceptical. Richard, one of the officers, spoke up, "How can we trust your story? Give us some evidence that you killed your owner in self-defence."

At this point, a male staff member named Micheal stepped forward with a confident stride and presented what seemed to be a video recording as proof of the events that took place. Richard watched the video recording closely and then glanced up at Micheal, asking, "Why didn't you inform us when the incident took place?"

Micheal replied, "Sir, my phone was broken that day. I tried hard to fix it and even gave it to my friend Milian, who used to do part-time phone repairs before he started working here. Yesterday, he informed me that he had fixed my phone."

After watching the video recording, the police officers were speechless. Chaos erupted in the hall as everyone exchanged bewildered glances, including Emily and Alex, who shared a look of surprise and shock with each other.

To Be Continued...

Now this book is closer to its end. Currently, I am writing the crucial chapters of this book. I aim to write 25,000 words, hope I can able to achieve my goal. Wish me luck ┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍

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