Chapter 8

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The piercing sound of the clock echoed throughout the room. The hands of the clock pointed at 1:00 in the night. Alex was sitting on the armchair, resting his arms on the edge of the armchair.

He was feeling restless, a bizarre thought kept revolving around his head which suffocated him. He can't be able to sleep after that thing again happens to him.

Back in time when the hands of the clock showed 10:00 pm...

Alex was lying in his bed, thinking about the unexpected incident that happened to him after which he found himself in this fictional world. "Strangely, how my whole life has turned upside down. I was Noah before reincarnation in this world. Never thought that 'The Silent Killer of the Motel' novel could become my new life,"

"I am a big fan of Adam Miller's books. I was reading his bestseller book 'The Silent Killer of the Motel' but couldn't able to finish it because I got caught up in an important project at my hospital. I am the owner of the well-known hospital, Willowbrook Ridge Medical Center. I become the owner only at the age of 25 after the death of my dearest father,"

"Just a week ago, my friend Samuel and I made a plan for a trip. I was free because my hospital was busy with the renovation so I couldn't go back to my hospital for two weeks. And Samuel was feeling tired after doing night shifts straight from one week in his office. After the last day of his night shift, he begged his boss for three days of holiday and his boss readily agreed and gave him a paid leave for three days,"

We were all set for our trip to Lumina Hills. Samuel had heard so many stories about the place - rumours of a demon living in the forest there. The villagers believed that the demon's power was strongest from 7:30 pm to 4:00 am, and no one dared to enter the forest during that time. This intrigued Samuel, as he was fascinated by the paranormal. He had explored many haunted places before but found nothing. When he asked me to come with him, I readily agreed because I was feeling worn out in my house,"

Memories from his journey flicker rapidly through his mind, engraving themselves deeply into his subconscious.

"Hey, Noah. Why are reading a book during our trip, man?" Samuel said while driving the car and Noah was sitting next to him, reading the book 'The Silent Killer of the Motel'

Glancing up from the pages of the book, he said, "I have to complete this novel. If I don't read this book soon then I won't be able to focus on anything. As you know this book is my favourite author's bestseller book,"

"I haven't been able to complete this book due to I caught up with a project at the hospital. I realized in the last few days of my hospital renovation that I could engage myself in his book during the renovation process. With only three days left before the hospital renovation competition ends, I've decided to absorb the rest of the book on my journey. Rest assured, my friend, I will stop when we reach the charming Lumina Hills, only to resume reading at night,"

"Okay, then read your book. If you don't mind, can I play music?" he pleaded.

"Yeah, you can,"

As he agreed, Samuel played the music.

They were on their way to Lumina Hills, eager to arrive before sunset. Unfortunately, their GPS suddenly malfunctioned, leaving them lost on the unfamiliar roads. Just when they were starting to worry, the GPS miraculously came back to life, guiding them safely to their destination as the sun dipped below the horizon.

"We have arrived here safely.  I was about to worry but thank god that the GPS had worked again," Noah said with a sense of relief washes over him.

"Yeah, Thankfully we arrived here," Samuel said while putting out his luggage from the car. Noah already had taken out his luggage and was waiting for him in front of their homestay.

Six hours had passed, and it was now 10:30 pm. Noah was sound asleep in his bed, exhausted from the day's adventures. On the other bed, Samuel was wide awake, filled with excitement. He shook Noah, trying to rouse him from his sleep.

"Hey, Noah. Wake up! We didn't come here to sleep," Samuel said, trying to rouse Noah from his sleep.

"What's up?" Noah mumbled, clearly annoyed at being disturbed.

"Let's explore the forest!" Samuel suggested eagerly.

"We've already been through the forest. Remember?" Noah replied, wanting to go back to sleep. Samuel pulled Noah up.

"I know we've explored it, but have we ever seen it at night? I want to see if the rumours are true," Samuel insisted.

"No way. I'm staying here to sleep," Noah said firmly.

"Do you think a devil is lurking in the forest?" Samuel teased.

"Well, I believe the rumours. Just let me sleep," Noah replied, closing his eyes.

"Come on, Noah. Please come with me. What if it's not the devil, but a killer?" Samuel tried to convince him.

"What if it is a killer? He might just kill you," Noah joked.

"Hey, come on," Samuel retorted.

"Okay, okay. I was just kidding. Let's go," Noah agreed reluctantly.

As they entered the forest, they noticed the eerie silence, with no sight of any animals or humans. They continued walking deeper into the darkness. Suddenly, a shadow passed by behind them, sending shivers down their spines.

Dang! Dang!

A loud noise drew him out from the flashback. His heart raced in his chest as he cautiously approached the door, ready for anything. When he swayed it open, nobody was there.

Just as he was about to shut the door, a profound and heavy voice echoed from upstairs, saying "Mommy, where are you?"

The voice seemed to be coming from the floor where Evelyn's room was. "Why would he be in Evelyn's room? I need to investigate," he thought to himself.

Locking the door behind him, he made his way to the elevator and ascended to the second floor. Stepping out, he moved down the hallway towards Evelyn's room. As he neared the door, he witnessed something that made him freeze in his path.

A mysterious figure who appears to be 6 feet tall emits an aura of darkness so suffocating that it consumes the light around it. His face is thin and pale, illuminated with glowing red eyes that burn with intense hunger. Long, jagged scars mark her face and décolletage, evidence of her encounters with those who dared challenge her powers. Cover in a tattered black cloak, his presence holds with it a chilling coldness that unsettles even the bravest of souls.

It was none other than Damon Shadowcast.

In the present time, Alex watched the storm raging outside from the window. His mind raced with questions about Evelyn and the mysterious presence of Demon in front of Evelyn's room.

He said to himself "Was Evelyn more than just a character in the novel? Could she be somehow connected to the demon?"

To Be Continued...

Was the little girl the Damon shadow cast? And what is your opinion on the Alex story?

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Have a wonderful day :)

Trapped In A Mystifying Fictional World  (ONC 2024) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora