Chapter 2

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Emily gradually opens her eyes and finds herself in a strange room, lying on a bed. Confused, she sits up and looks around, realizing it's not her room. She blinked her eyes, trying to make sense of her surroundings, but everything just seemed so unfamiliar.

"Where am I? This is not my room and I just died by collapsing from my office building but This place doesn't look like heaven.."

As she was thinking, her eye fell outside from the panel of the window. In amazement, she ran toward the window. Her eyes widened to see heavy snowfall outside from the window.

Outside the window, every particle of snow was dense and falling to the ground at a fast pace. The wind was also gusty vigorously in the atmosphere.

"How can this be possible? It is very rare to see snow in Orlando and this year it is impossible. But snow not only falls but it falls in huge quantities.." she said in a loud voice.

Emily tried to process all of this information, she couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion, frustration, and a hint of amusement at the absurdity of it all.

To figure out where she is, she heads towards the door but stumbles over something, falling hard on the floor.


Due to her collision on the floor, she felt severe pain in her spinal cord and on her head. After one to two minutes, she finally managed to stand up from the floor.

When she stood up, she glanced at the object in frustration which caused her to fall. The object was none other than her handbag.
Then she bent down to her handbag and took it in her hands.

When she opened her handbag, she found out that the novel "A Silent Killer of the Motel" and her phone were missing from her bag.

"I clearly remember putting them in here. Where could they have gone? Focus, Emily! First, figure out where you are."

Throwing her handbag onto the bed, she walks out of the room and finds herself in a lobby. The corridor stretches in both directions, lined with several rooms.

"Am I at a motel? Don't tell me now that I am in Canada."

She walks straight ahead in search of someone. The path leads her to a fork, with an elevator on the right and stairs on the left. On her way, she had read the '2nd floor' mark on the wall so she knew that she was on the second floor. She doesn't have the strength to walk on the stairs so she prefers the elevator.

She walks in the right direction. As she arrived at the front of the elevator, she pressed the 'down' arrow to reach the recipient's desk. The elevator arrives, and she steps into the elevator without noticing herself in the mirror which is situated back of the elevator. Then she presses the button for the first floor and waits as the doors close and the elevator begins its descent.

Within twenty seconds, the elevator arrived at the first floor. the doors open again, and Emily steps out onto the first floor, leaving an empty elevator behind.

When she step on the first floor, where the reception desk is situated, is like an energetic hub of activity, bustling with energy and excitement.

The reception desk stands tall, its immaculate wooden surface gleaming under the pale glow of carefully positioned spotlights. Behind them, A team of friendly and knowledgeable staff greet every guest with genuine smiles and open arms. The desk itself is illustrated with tasteful decorations that reflect the local culture and charm of the area vase filled with fresh flowers, a collection of keychains, and a small sign that exhibits the motel's logo.

The walls, painted in soothing neutral tones, are decorated with elegant artwork that showcases the local landscape, capturing the essence of the area's natural beauty. Soft music plays in the background, its gentle melodies adding to the ambience of the space and welcoming atmosphere.

For a moment Emily forgot everything and just mixed up with this friendly atmosphere. All of a sudden, a thought appears in her mind.

"Umm, Why this place is familiar to me? Like I have heard about this place before..."

While thinking, she stepped towards the reception desk. As she reached there, the receptionist quickly sat up from his chair and greeted her. The receptionist was a man who seemed like he was in his 50s.

"Hello, Ms. Evelyn Baker. Did you sleep well?" He asked in a soft tone.

"Umm, Evelyn Baker? Who is she? No wait a second. I heard this name in the book "A Silent Killer of the Motel.." she muttered.

"Mam, I can't able to hear you. Can you please say it again," He said.

In the middle of her chaos, her eyes fall on the name badge on his shirt. 'David Johnson' was written on his name badge. Again she thought "David Johnson was the receptionist of Moonlight Inn Motel in the 'A Silent Killer of the Motel' novel. Am I in my favourite novel? No no, it can't be real. Wake up Emily from your dream!"

"Mam, are you in any problem?" The receptionist asked her again.

"Umm, can you tell me where am I?" Emily asked in confusion.

The receptionist was confused by her question and said "Mam, you are at the Moonlight Inn Motel. You came here at midnight due to your car broke down. Remember.."

Her eyes widened and her eyebrows were lifted.

"This is not a coincidence anymore. I think my favourite novel has turned into my new life and now I am trapped in this mystifying fictional world,"

Emily glanced at the extensive beautiful mirror which was before the reception desk. In the mirror, a woman in a black tailored suit, well-fitted clothing in sleek, sophisticated designs with dark red high heels. Her makeup and hair are perfectly polished, completing her authoritative and commanding look. That woman's personality and face were completely different from Emily's.

"So, now I am Evelyn Baker,"

To be continued...

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Have a wonderful day :)

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