Chapter 3

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Subsequently the unbelievable revelation, Emily was sitting on the huge couch at the entrance of the motel. She still can't able to believe that she has reincarnated into her favourite novel.

"Why did I get reborn in this serial killer novel?.. I know I like mystery/thriller and crime books the most but I also like romance books. God could have me reborn in a romance book but so Why didn't they do it?.. Perhaps the devil has heard my wish,"

A man's voice drew her out from the profound ocean of thought.  When she glanced at the receptionist's desk, she spotted a man standing before the receptionist.

A man was saying something to the receptionist in a worried expression. Emily wasn't able to hear what he was saying so she stood up from the couch and stepped closer to them.

"I think something has happened to that man. We should check him out,"

"OK, sir. We will check on him but first I must call him."

"Okay, Go on, "

Then a man glanced at Emily. He greeted her with a warm smile. The man seems in his 30s. He is tall and handsome. His blue eyes can send butterflies to anyone's belly. He was wearing an outfit well-tailored suit with a crisp, white dress shirt underneath. The suit in a classic navy, fitted to the body to accentuate his physique. A sleek leather belt and matching dress shoes complete the ensemble. The finishing touches include a silk tie and pocket square, adding a touch of sophistication. To further elevate the look, a stylish watch and a cologne with a timeless, masculine scent are essential.

As Emily came out from his beauty, she greeted him hastily and asked "Mister, if you don't mind, can you tell me what you were talking about?"

"Sure, Ms. I made sure to let the receptionist in on something quite out of the ordinary regarding Mr. Jones, who checked into room 10 late at night. As luck would have it, my room was right next to his, and I was waked up from my sleep by a most peculiar sound coming from his room. It was a haunting, eerie screech, like a bird caught in a gusty wind. Concerned for his well-being, I made my way to his door and gave the bell a few presses, but there was no response. Even after knocking with increasing urgency, still, no answer. With the receptionist seemingly absent, I was left to ponder the mystery on my own." he said.

"Oh, it sounds scary,"

"Yeah, it is. That's why I want to see Mr Jones with the receptionist,"

In her mind, Emily was thinking something else.

"I read this novel two years ago so I don't remember much about this book. Even reading this whole novel, I was confused about the real culprit of this book. That's why I was thinking of reading this book again. But I remember one thing clearly about this book. The thing is, Mr. Jones is found dead at the beginning of the book,"

"Mr. Jones didn't pick up my call,"

Emily quickly turns her gaze to the receptionist. Then she sees the expression on the man's face out of the corner of her eye.

That man raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

"So, now what are you waiting for? Let's go to their room to learn about his well-being," he hastily said.

"Okay, sir,"

As the receptionist said, The atmosphere in the motel's reception area suddenly became chaotic as the lights began to flicker wildly. As the guests started running for cover, panicked screams filled the air, but amidst the chaos, one man remained sitting quietly. Emily seemed lost in her world, unaffected by the hustle and bustle around her, her eyes distant and unfocused.

That man, noticing Emily's unusual reaction, approached her and softly asked, "Are you okay?" But her words fell on deaf ears as Emily was oblivious to the chaos around her, lost in the depths of her thoughts.

I remember when I read about the lights flickering wildly in this book. When the light flickered wildly, a young man got attacked.” she thought in fear.

The flickering lights and panic around her faded into the background as a thousand different thoughts raced through Emily's mind.

As the chaos unfolded, Emily's calm demeanour seemed almost irrelevant amid the frantic panic of those around her. But deep down, she knew it was important to maintain her composure in such a moment.

Finally, as the flickering lights became steady and the panic began to subside, Emily snapped out of her daze and focused on that man standing in front of her. "I'm fine," she finally replied, her voice steady despite the confusion in her eyes. "Just trying to make sense of all this madness." And with that, she took a deep breath.


The loudest scream echoes loudly in Emily's earlobes. When she looked around, she saw an injured young man surrounded by a crowd of few people. Emily glanced at the man who was with her and said, "Alex, someone is hurt. We should go help him,"

"Yes, we should go help him," she said and the two headed towards the crowd.

As soon as they reached, they saw that the blood was pouring out from the young man's left leg's thigh. Alex quickly stepped closer to the man and asked the receptionist to bring the medical kit. The receptionist obeyed his order and raced towards a room to bring the medical kit.

Within a few minutes, the receptionist came with a medical kit and gave it to Alex. Then Alex, without wasting any time, started bandaging the young man's injured area.

Alex was so adept at it that it took him just five minutes to bandage the young man's injured area. Then Alex and the receptionist help the young man onto the couch.

Emily stepped closer to a woman who was standing close to the young man before he got injured. “Ms., do you know how he suddenly got injured?”

She said in a wavering voice, "I-I don't know how he got injured. I was so frightened by the flickering lights that I couldn't see who had injured him."

Seeing her condition, Emily did not ask her anything more. She advised the woman to drink water to calm herself. As soon as Emily turned her face away from the woman. Her eyes began searching for Alex. Then she saw Alex with the receptionist. She looks away from Alex and her gaze falls on a woman who is standing at the corner of the hall. The woman seems like she is in grief. Then Emily spotted a man who was rushed toward the woman. He seemed to like her husband. Emily barely can able to hear their conversation so stepped a little closer to them.

"Honey, where is our son?" he asked in chaos.

"Henry-y, our son goes missing,"

To be continued...

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Have a wonderful day

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