Finding Myself Underfoot - Part 2

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     For about a day after getting so aroused by Melissa's bare feet at school, I had done a good job at keeping those thoughts out of my mind. I had homework to focus on, and chores to do, and a whole summer break to dream about how I was going to waste.

            It took a day to snap me back into my desperately horny monkey mind. All it took was Joanna.

Joanna was my older brother's girlfriend. She was tall, red-headed, and made herself all the much paler by how she dressed almost exclusively in black. Peter and Joanna were in highschool and did not have time for someone like me, but Peter was also still a teenager and lived in the room next to mine, and our mom still did his laundry. He was not so above me as he thought.

"Get out," Peter barked at me as he entered the den with Joanna. "Adam, I'm talking to you."

"I'm watching TV," I said, too lazy to take his command seriously.

He grabbed me by a shoulder and tried tossing me off. I rolled with the momentum and ended up curled on the right side of the couch. Peter huffed and was about to grab me again, but Joanna giggled.

"He can stay," she said.

To my brother's chagrin, Joanna strode to the sofa and sat on her folded legs in the middle of the couch, leaving Peter a space on the opposite end as me.


Peter knew that my presence would probably kibosh his ability to make-out with his girlfriend, which he was more interested in than actually sitting to watch TV.

But with how Joanna sat, with her legs tucked under her so that her black nylon-clad feet faced me, I lost all concern about my brother's berating. I voluntarily handed over the remote, and adjusted my curl so that my gaze could fall on her long, slender feet.

Within minutes, while the laugh track filled in the silences on TV, Peter's head tilted into Joanna's neck to nibble her with kisses. She jerked under his touch and playfully pushed him away, only to have to pluck his wandering hand from going any further along her inner thigh.

"Hey you!"

"What? Fuck him," Peter said, chinning over in my direction. I was the Him to Fuck.

Joanna shrugged and held his hand back firmly.

"You know how ticklish I am."

"Yeah. And I know how much you like it."

Joanna rolled her eyes and settled her hand over Peter's jeans zipper, soothing him from his own aggressive touch with a gentle rub.

I didn't really care what they were up to, because I was so nervous about Joanna's feet being inches from me that it took all of my brain power to still my shakiness. She was so close I could almost imagine how warm and silky she would feel. I imagined how I could move in a way that was totally normal and casual but would allow me to brush against her nylons. I could reposition myself. I could yawn and stretch. I could reach for the remote. But with Peter there, any move would get his bulldog response and no amount of 'accidental' brushing seemed worth it.

At the next commercial, Peter tried to get me to grab them sodas, but I just ignored him and zoned out on the screen. Jaonna admonished him for being lazy and told him he should be the one serving her.

"Ugh, whatever..." he said. He adjusted the boner in his jeans as he got up and limped out of the room.

"What a gentleman, right?" Joanna scoffed.

I didn't know what to say, but I was beaming at the opportunity to be beside Joanna without my brother's presence. While commercials shifted, I gulped and decided if I was going to move at all, now would be the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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