Grandpa Zestial the babysitter

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Remembering a childhood memory of mine, I drove lots of family members especially my grandmother insane and I couldn't help but to write this

It was already eight o'clock in the morning, but Clara was well aware of the fact that her mother was most likely trying to sleep in after working a 60 hour shift.

Stopping in front of the intricately designed door of her mother's bedroom, she raised her hand and knocked before walking inside.

"Ma, time to wake up," she said in a low voice, gently shaking her.

In response, Carmilla simply groaned and rolled over, pulling the blanket over her head. "Come on, mom. Rise and shine."

"Go away, Clara. Too early to wake up... Need sleep for the love of god!."

She yanked the blanket off her mother's body. "No, you need to get up. There's trouble in the weapon factory and we're expecting new clients."

That woke Carmilla up. She sat up and yawned. "Why can't a bastard enemy ever attack or a client show up at a decent hour?" she asked, sounding none too happy. Clara shrugged as her sister Odette came in.

"Sorry, Mother, for the early wake up call, but I'm afraid it is urgent that you come help deal with this.

"Of course," Carmilla replied, reaching for her makeup brooch. "But what about vaggie? I can't just leave her here. Who will take care of her while I'm gone?"


Right on cue, the high-pitched ear shattering cry of five-year old vaggie, otherwise known as the baby angel who was found in a dumpster, filled the air. The three ran to the nursery where they found the little grey-haired angel standing up in her crib, pink bow in her hair, her arms outstretched. "Ma-ma!"

Carmilla scooped her adopted daughter in her arms, comforting- vaggie, whose cries immediately softened. "What's wrong, little angel?" She asked softly. "Did you have a bad dream?"

Vaggie nodded her head. "Big flying monsters with masks chased after me."

"Well, it's okay now. Mommy is here, and we'll make sure the big, scary flying monster doesn't get you."

The small child smiled and rested her head against her mother's shoulder, a tiny hand grabbing onto a strand of carmilla's hair.
Clara tapped her wrist communicator, reminding her mother that they needed to go.

Odette sighed. "Come on mom. the sooner we leave the sooner we can get back.

"I can't just leave without somebody to watch vaggie."

"Don't worry about it, dear friend," Zestial said, taking little vaggie from her arms. "I'll take care of her."

he stayed over due to a assassin attack again. It's no surprise that this happens twice a month. Usually sinners pour gasoline and set themselves on fire when he walks by.

Carmilla raised an eyebrow. "You? Take care of a baby? Are you sure?"

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