Bandages and nightmares

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Sometimes, you just have to sit down and make yourself write before you slowly go insane from talking to imaginary characters in your fanfics

Things I Want to See in Season Two of Hazbin Hotel; a Neat and Tidy List.

A duet between Alastor and his dealmaker.

Breaking News: Mourning Eggbois Reunite with Boss, Turns Out That snake Bitch Was In Heaven All Along!

Charlie and Vaggie being the best relationship goals.

The return of Lucifer's rubber duckies (and Lilith).

Wholesome Huskerdust moments

Nifty lore.

Charlie and Lucifer being family and Alastor getting pissy about it.

Hotel shenanigans.

Lute plans to attack/kill Charlie for revenge of her dead boss Adam.

Vaggie vs. lute rematch. Vaggie ends up killing lute because Charlie is in danger.

Adam coming back to life as a sinner and living in the hotel and suffering for the damage he caused.

Valentino Vs Nifty with a knife.

Husk playing cards against Valentino to win back angel dust's soul.

Angel Dust ft. being unconditionally loved.

Fat Nuggets appreciation.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I hope there will be more episodes than season 1, I want to luxuriate in this show like a goddamn bubble bath.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Becky sighed before she pushed open the office door, she found Adam sitting behind his desk, his LED mask illuminating the dark room with an eerie glow munching on a cheeseburger, a mixture of curiosity and desire evident in his gaze.

"Ah, Becky," He greeted her, his voice low and filled with disgust. "I've been waiting for you to finally show up." He motioned for her to approach, his eyes never leaving her form.

She stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest. "Sir I—

"We have more... pressing matters to attend to due to the fact that you haven't killed the baby Angel I ordered you to kill 10 years ago."

"Sir... I didn't think— I mean i left her in the dumpster, I felt it was wrong to kill an innocent life."

"Well my boss ,sera is now up my fucking ass to fix the problem, in this case as your punishment, I'm having lute take your position as my second commander!"

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