Chapter 2

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The night is finally here. Dress in a black suit with a white button-down dress shirt and bow tie. Wei Ying was  making sure that everything would go well tonight. He had hired servers and a well-known catering company for tonight. He was nervous, praying that everything would go well tonight and that no one would cause any trouble. And in no one. He means the Jiang.

He was on the fence about sending them an invite, but Huaisang and Wen Qing convinced him to do it. To show them what he had achieved and how far he had come after being kicked out and also to show off his gorgeous husband. So here he is, standing in the middle of the hall, looking around and taking the quietness in before the guests arrived. Behind those black cloths hanged the paintings he had been working on so hard.

So tonight will either be a hit or a miss. But he will not give up even if nobody likes it. He will just hallow in disappointment, get up, dust himself off, and start again. Failure was never an option, nor will it be now. He had been through too much and have faced way too much disappointment to last him a lifetime.

He gave the room one last look before he felt a pair of strong arms circled around his waist. A small smile creeped around his lips as he leaned back into his husband's embrace.

"Wei Ying ?."

Lan Zhan asked. And are you ready for your big night went without saying.

"Lan Zhan, you are finally here, and where are the others?."

Wei Ying asked as he turned in his husband's embrace to face him. A smile on his face as he looked into those molten honey eyes of his husband.

"They will be here shortly. Wei Ying, the place looks beautiful. Is that the paintings that's behind those black cloths?."

Lan Zhan answered and asked,and Wei Ying nodded his head before he spoke.

"Oh, ohk. Yes, it is, and no, I will not let you take a peek. You will have to wait for the unveiling just like everyone else."

Wei Ying told his husband, who looked at him with sad eyes and a small pout on his lips, which in turn made Wei Ying laugh at his silliness. Wei Ying placed a quick kiss on his lips, and just as Lan Zhan wanted to pull him closer and really kissed him, they heard someone cleared their throat behind them. They let go of each other and turned around.

"Ah, shufu, you all are here finally. "

Wei Ying exclaimed with excitement in his voice as he looked at his family.

"Well, it seems we came just in time. A-Ying the guests will be arriving soon. Just be yourself, and do not let anyone upset you. This is your night. You have worked hard and put your blood and sweat into your work, and no matter what happened, tonight. Just know that we are very proud of you."

Lan Qiren told him, and Wei Ying could not help but tear up at his words.

"Thanks, shufu. It means a lot to me. Thank you all for your love and support throughout the years. I do not think I would've been able to stand here tonight if it wasn't for you all."

Wei Ying said as he took in the faces of the people who had been there with him by his side even on his darkest days. Always encouraging him and showing him just how much he mean to them. Huaisang walked towards him and engulfed him in a big, comforting hug.

"A-Ying, we are family, and that's what family do for each other. There is no need to thank us. We will do it a thousand times over again if we have to."

He told Wei Ying as he gently pushed him away and looked at his friend. Wen Qing and Wen Ning also stepped forward and hugged him, wishing him all of the best for tonight. Mingjue and A-huan both gave him an encouraging smiles and Wei Ying could not help but feel happy.

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