First day of school

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What a lovely day... The sun is shining, the chickens are being actively eaten, and the teenagers are on their way to high school. But one individual stands out, her name is May. The typical "quirky and clumsy not like other girls" girl. May is wearing a black oversized hoodie with short dark blue jeans and a beanie alongside her backpack. She looks at her new high school and scoffs.

May's POV

'Tch, oh great another day in school. Ugh, why do we even need schools anyways?' I said to myself while standing in front of the school. Ugh, literally. Why do we even need those anyways? I'm clearly smart enough. Anyways, I look around the front gate and sees... Over dramatic gasp It's my childhood best friend and crush! Ethan! I hurriedly tied my hair into a messy ponytail before acting like I haven't seen him to look cool.

...Come on now
... Anytime..

UGH! When is he going to look at m- OH! HE'S LOOKING AT ME! I began acting like I'm in a hurry and ran up the stairs. 'Heh, I'll just purposely fall down so Ethan can catch me!' I thought to myself before clumsily (purposely) falling down the stairs. Soon enough, ETHAN ACTUALLY CATCHES ME AAAAAA!!!!!! I kept my cool and stands up CUTELY and looks at him while blushing.

'O-o-o-oh hi Ethan! I-i-i didn't know you were in this high school too! ><'

I shyly said to him. (I definitely did not stalked him and figured out which high school he's going to 😜)

'Yeah.. It's sure is a shocker...'

He said sounding quite dissapointed. Ugh! I bet it's that Minnie girl he's been dating! How DARE her make my cwushy wushy Ethan feel uncomfortable! Anyways, I wanted to say something to Ethan, BUT I GOT INTERRUPTED GRRRR!!! It's that STUPID MINNIE MOUSE girl. She came up to Ethan and HUGGED him from behind.

'Hi babe! And... Who are you again?'

Minnie asked. Ugh, I swear. She kept acting she's a mean girl or something.

'Uhm.. I'm Ethan's BEST FRIEND but whatever...'

I started to (fake) cry and ran away so Ethan would follow me. But... HE DIDN'T FOLLOW ME?!?! oh my god.... THAT MINNIE MOUSE MUST'VE BEEN THE ONE TO FORCE HIM TO STAY!!! I-i-i-i-im so sad now... HOW COULD ETHAN DO THIS?! hmph... Whatever... Atleast I still have my other crush and boy best friends! Anyways, I got into the school and walked down the hallway. I saw Ethan and stupid Minnie talking together (UGH) And Ethan glanced at me!! I quickly turned my head the other way around to signal him that I'm ANGRY at him! Like, how could he pick his girlfriend than his own best friend?! I ignored him and I went to my class.

'3A.. That's the class. Ugh, I hope MINNIE will not be in this class.'

I said to myself before going inside the class and... DOES THE WORLD HATE ME?!?! UGH! it's that STUPID Minnie brat! And she's hanging out with her friend group, which makes them also my enemies now. hmph. Could this day be any worse?! I sat down on my chair and puts down my backpack. I looked to my left and saw a really cute boy!!! He's currently alone, which is perfect!! I quickly thought of a plan... Maybe I'll just act like the cool tomboy I am. AHEM!

'Yo, I'm May. What's ya name?'

That boy must've falled for me! I'm simply too charming.

'Oh.. Hey. I'm David.'

He replied... HE REPLIED YESS!!! David is sooo cute and hot. HOTTER Than Ethan 🙄 Ugh, I WILL take my revenge someday MINNIE. anyways, we chatted for a bit and I learned that he's planning to join the soccer team! Soccer is DEFINITELY my second favorite sports. Anyways, I went on to say more things about my self.

'I don't know, I'm just not like other girls you know? I'm kinda weird hehe. I'm also kiiiinda emo and I'm a little bit crazy if I do say so myself.'

I definitely made him fall for me. Anyways, class started (boring) and I keep staring at David!! He's just sooo handsome! But the teacher called me out for not paying attention to class. Ugh! I started to (fake) cry a little bit so David would comfort me but the bell rang before he got to do so. I walked out of the prison (whoopsie, I meant classroom hehe, I'm so quirky sorry 😜) and went to the canteen. I began, My scout. I scanned the area to look for any tables that is filled with boys and... I saw one!!! AND DAVID was there! I quickly came over to them and started talking.

'Hey David! Are these your Broskies?'

I say casually to look cool in front of him and his friends.

'Oh, hey May. Yeah, these are my friends. Alex, John, Andrew, and Michael.'

David replied. EEEEEEEEE! He has so many friends... And they are all going to fall in love with ME! AHEM, anyways. I introduced myself to David's friends before eating lunch with them as THE ONLY GIRL THERE so I'm kinda special if I do say so myself ;). Timeskip, school FINALLY ended and I got out of that prison. But then... I saw... Ethan. Waiting for me at the front gate. Hmm... I wonder what he wants.. I still can't believe he left ME for his stupid girlfriend. B-b-but... I-i-i-I still like him. . So I approached him and...

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