Chapter 42: Heart's Battlefield

Start from the beginning

"Breaking news this morning," the anchor began, their tone somber. "Kirk, the estranged husband of Diversity Pop's CEO, Sam Anuntrakul, has filed a counterclaim in response to her annulment proceedings. He denies any rumors suggesting that Sam has a girlfriend, dismissing them as baseless speculation."

Sam's heart sank at the mention of Kirk's counterclaim, a knot of worry forming in her stomach. She glanced at the TV screen, her eyes widening as the report continued.

"The ongoing scandal surrounding the annulment has further impacted Diversity Pop's market value, which continues its downward trend," the anchor continued, their voice tinged with concern. "Investors remain wary amidst the uncertainty, as the company faces mounting challenges in the wake of the public fallout."

Sam's jaw tightened as she absorbed the grim news, her mind racing with thoughts of the implications for both her personal and professional life.

As the news report unfolded before her eyes, Sam's phone erupted with a shrill ringtone, causing her heart to skip a beat. With trembling hands, she answered, her voice strained with anticipation. "Kade,"

Kade's urgent tone matched the gravity of the situation. "Sam, have you seen the news? Kirk's filing a counterclaim," she exclaimed, her words punctuated by a sense of urgency.

Sam's grip tightened on her phone as she processed the news, her mind racing with worry. "I've just seen it," she replied, her voice hollow with concern.

"But has Mon seen it? Is she aware of what's happening?" Kade's concern is palpable

Relief flooded through Kade as Sam confirmed Mon's obliviousness to the unfolding events. "No, she's still on her way to the office," she assured her, his voice a lifeline in the chaos.

Sam sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm worried about Mon though. If she saw that report, it could really affect her," she admitted, her voice tinged with concern.

Kade nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get that. She's been through a lot already," she acknowledged.

"I know. That's why I need to protect her, Kade. At all costs," Sam declared, determination firm in her voice.

"I know you will, Sam. You've always had her back," Kade reassured her, her voice supportive.

"Thanks, Kade. I appreciate it," Sam said gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"Anytime, Sam. We'll get through this together," Kade promised before they ended the call, both determined to weather the storm ahead and protect Mon at all costs.

As Mon stepped into the office, she was greeted by Yha's urgent call, pulling her over to the table where Chin, Noi, and Nuch were gathered. "Mon, did you see the news?" Yha asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Confused, Mon furrowed her brow. "What news?" she replied, feeling a knot of apprehension form in her stomach.

Yha quickly filled her in on the details of Kirk's counterclaim, her words weighing heavily on Mon's mind. As the reality of the situation sank in, Mon's heart sank, and she felt a wave of anxiety wash over her.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Yha Chin, Neuch, and Mon discussed the repercussions of Kirk's counterclaim on the company. Anxiety hung heavy in the air as they contemplated the possibility of the company shutting down.

Yha furrowed her brow as she glanced at the TV screen, worry etched on her face. "This is bad," she muttered, her voice heavy with concern.

Chin nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Yha's apprehension. "If the company's market value keeps declining, we could be in serious trouble," he added, his tone grave.

Mon, her anxiety palpable, hung her head, a sense of guilt washing over her. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant for any of this to happen because of me."

Noi, Chin, and Neuch exchanged puzzled glances, confusion written across their faces. "Mon, why would this be your fault?" Noi asked gently, her voice filled with concern.

Mon, her nerves frayed with worry, couldn't help but feel responsible for the turmoil. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling. "It's because of me... because everyone's assumptions about Sam's ex are true. I was Sam's ex, and we got back together."

Yha Chin, Neuch, and Nuch exchanged puzzled glances, unable to comprehend why Mon would blame herself for the situation.

But before they could offer reassurance, Chin spoke up, her voice filled with empathy. "Mon, listen to me," she said gently, her eyes meeting Mon's. "Even if the worst were to happen and the company shuts down, there are still opportunities out there for all of us. But for Sam, her happiness hinges on you. I've seen it firsthand—the joy in Sam's eyes whenever she's with you."

Neuch and Nuch nodded in agreement, offering words of encouragement to Mon. "You're not alone in this, Mon," Neuch said, her voice filled with solidarity. "We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Mon's eyes brimmed with tears, touched by her friends' support. "Thank you," she whispered, finding solace in their words.

Mon sighed, her shoulders slumping as she explained to her friends. "I tried to avoid Sam as much as I could," she admitted, her voice heavy with resignation. "But it's impossible. We spend so much time together every day, and no matter how hard I try to push her away, everything just keeps coming back."

She glanced around at her friends, hoping they would understand the complexity of her situation. "I know I shouldn't have let things get this far, we know this is wrong" she continued, her tone laced with regret. "But I can't deny how much I still love her."

And as they embraced, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would navigate them together, as a team.

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