Chapter 6: Rekindled Echoes

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As I processed the unexpected news that Sam would be my boss, I felt a whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirling within me. Disbelief and frustration coursed through my  veins, fueled by the irony of working under the very person who had caused me pain in the past.

As Noi stepped into the office, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety. I wondered if Noi had come to discuss my new role or perhaps address any concerns I may have had about working under Sam's leadership.

"Mon, I just wanted to check in and see how you're settling in," Noi began, her tone friendly and reassuring. "I understand that the recent changes may have been unexpected for you, but please know that we're here to support you every step of the way."

"Will there be a problem if I report to her?" I asked, with a hint of nervousness.

"No, don't worry about it. She can be a bit stern, but it's nothing to be afraid of," Noi replied jokingly.

"Hey, Noi, come on. Sam has only been like that recently. I've been here for a long time, and I remember Sam being all smiles, especially when she was still studying," Yha defended her boss, Sam.

"Well, what happened? Why does it seem like she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders now? It's like she forgot how to laugh," Noi inquired.

It seems like I might gain something from working here after all. I let Noi and Yha talk about Sam. Hoping they might mention something that could help me understand everything that happened while I was in England.

"Okay Noi, let's say you marry someone you don't love, can you still put on a smile?"

"Is that true? Sam doesn't love Kirk? Is that why they've been married for three years without any children?"

"But that's the rumor I've heard. Oh my, if this gets out, I'll only suspect the two of you. They're saying Sam has feelings for someone else. Her high school girlfriend."

"GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!" Noi gasped in disbelief at Yha's revelation!

"Shhhh!! Noi!!" Yha hurriedly silenced her. "Sam still yearns for and loves her even now. How could they start a family if Sam truly desires a woman?"

I couldn't help but smile at Yha's words. Does this mean Sam hasn't forgotten about me and still holds affection for me? But why did she get married if I'm the one she loves? I kept my excitement hidden from them but our conversation was interrupted when Mhee, our kind utility staff, arrived to announce that Sam had arrived.

"Hey, enough gossiping. Boss Sam is downstairs already. If she catches you chatting here, you'll get a sermon." Mhee scolded us, and everyone quickly returned to their respective seats.

"Come on, Mon, hurry back to your seat!" Yha urged me hastily.

As everyone hurried back to their positions at the news of Sam's arrival downstairs, Mon remained stunned, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. The revelation about Sam's feelings stirred a tumult of thoughts within her. She couldn't shake off the implications of what she had just learned. Amidst the commotion and urgency surrounding her, Mon found herself lost in contemplation, grappling with the newfound knowledge that threatened to unravel her sense of understanding and stability.

Time seemed to slow as my gaze locked onto Sam's figure. Despite the years that had passed, Sam looked just as she remembered—confident, composed, and undeniably captivating. Mon felt a rush of emotions flood over her—nostalgia, longing, and a twinge of apprehension.

Sam glanced in my direction, and our eyes met briefly. In that fleeting moment, I felt a jolt of electricity pass between us, igniting memories of our shared past and stirring emotions she thought she had buried long ago.

As i stepped into the bustling office, my attention was immediately drawn to the familiar figure amidst the crowd. There, standing near the entrance, was Mon—someone U hadn't seen in years but whose memory had never faded from my mind.

A rush of emotions swept over me as I gazed at Mon. Memories of our shared past flooded back, accompanied by a pang of longing and regret for the time lost. Despite the years that had passed, Mon looked just as captivating as ever, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of her.

Our eyes met briefly across the room, and in that moment, I felt a jolt of recognition and an unspoken connection that seemed to transcend time and space. It was as if we were transported back to a time when we were inseparable, our bond unbreakable.

As Sam approached, my heart quickened its pace, echoing the flurry of emotions swirling inside me. I watched as Sam navigated through the office, her graceful movements drawing the attention of everyone around us.

As I drew nearer to where Mon stood, a whirlwind of emotions swept through me. Memories, both cherished and painful, resurfaced with each step I took. With each step, my heart raced with anticipation. I knew that this moment would shape our future in ways I couldn't yet comprehend.

As I finally stood before Mon, I offered a tentative smile, hoping that it would convey the depth of my emotions—my longing for closure, my desire to make amends, and my unspoken hope for a second chance.

"Mon, it's good to see you," I greeted, her voice soft yet tinged with uncertainty.

Mon returned the smile, albeit with a hint of hesitation. "Hi, Sam. It's been a while," she replied, her tone polite but guarded.

"I've been wanting to have a conversation with you," I initiated, choosing my words carefully as I sought the right approach. "I was hoping we could talk privately after my scheduled meeting for the day."

Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement. Despite the storm of emotions brewing within me, I knew I had no choice but to comply with Sam's request.

Mon's nod signaled her agreement, and I swiftly turned to Yha.

"Yha, please reschedule my meetings for today. Find a suitable time for me to have a conversation with Mon as her immediate supervisor," I instructed, then proceeded to my office to prepare for the upcoming meeting.

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