Chapter 32: Letting Go??

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Mon's shock was palpable as she processed Sam's apology, her mind still swirling with conflicting emotions. Without a word, she rose from her seat, her decision made in an instant.

As Mon swiftly made her way towards the exit, Sam's gaze darted to the group, silently pleading for guidance. With a shared nod and encouraging gestures, the group signaled Sam to follow Mon, understanding the importance of resolving the tension between them.

Breathless from the quick pursuit, Sam finally caught up with Mon just outside the cafe. "Mon, wait," she called out, her voice tinged with urgency and hope.

Mon paused, her back still turned to Sam, her posture tense. She hesitated for a moment before finally turning to face her. "What is it, Sam?" she asked, her voice betraying a mixture of emotions.

Sam took a deep breath, her eyes pleading as she spoke. "Mon, I'm truly sorry for everything. I messed up, and I understand if you're still upset."

Mon listened quietly, her expression softening slightly. "I know I don't have the right to be jealous," she admitted, her voice tinged with resignation. "I'm just an outsider in your marriage, after all."

Sam reached out, gently taking Mon's hand in hers. "Mon, you have every right to feel what you feel," she insisted earnestly. "And for what it's worth, in my heart, I belong to you."

Mon shook her head, her doubts still lingering. "I want to believe you, Sam, but how can I when you weren't there for me on my special day?" she countered, her voice tinged with hurt.

Sam sighed, her frustration evident. "I already explained, it was because of my grandmother's unexpected visit," she reiterated, her tone pleading for understanding.

Mon's expression softened, but her doubts remained. "I get that, Sam, but not even a single message? It just doesn't add up," she replied softly, her voice heavy with disappointment. "I can't shake the feeling that when push comes to shove, you won't choose me."

Sam's frustration boiled over as she voiced her concerns. "Mon, I'm trying my best here too, but if you're exhausted with our setup, then I'm just as stressed!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Mon's brows furrowed, her own frustration rising. "You think I don't know that?" she shot back, her tone defensive. "I'm just as lost as you are on how to make this work!"

Their voices overlapped, each trying to make their point heard over the other's. The tension in the air was palpable as they struggled to find common ground amidst their mounting frustrations.

As tears streamed down Mon's face, Sam's questions pierced through her heart like daggers.

"Are you tired, Mon? Do you still want this?" Sam pressed, her voice heavy with concern.

Mon's sobs choked her words as she struggled to respond. "I don't know, Sam," she managed to choke out between tears.

Sam's voice softened, but the pain was evident. "If you want out, Mon, I'll let you go," she offered, her own emotions raw. "I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me. But know that I'll fight for you until the very end."

Mon's resolve crumbled as she finally admitted, "I'm willing to fight for you too, Sam, but I can't ignore the truth. This relationship isn't going anywhere."

As Mon turned away, her heart heavy with the weight of their conversation, Sam reached out and gently grasped her arm, halting her retreat.

"Mon, please," Sam pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "I'm sorry, please don't shut me out. Let's figure this out together."

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