Hence Sivaangi was determined in her mind to spend the upcoming days after exams by having fun and catching up with other teen things and girl stuffs she missed to do in these years.

She completed her school life, she thought she was free from exam stresses finally because that was the only thing that bothered her and nothing else. But was it really?

In a house of 4 huge floors with balcony in the uppermost floor with a BBQ corner, plenty of rooms to accommodate their relatives during holidays and a well planned infrastructure with all facilities, she would be there sitting all alone in a the dining of eight for her breakfasts and lunch.

Taking every bite of her food reluctantly, she had wondered 'how amazing it would be for her friends to have their moms beside them the whole day. How would it feel to spend holidays helping them in kitchen chatting about random things or taunting relatives or about their plans for the future'. She would chuckle sadly realizing why her friends used to jump in happiness when they got holidays and and she used to be sad of missing her precious friends. Afterall she had to be alone at home or with her brother who was a boring person to spend time with.

Sometimes she thought the loneliness inside of her was going to explode through her skin and sometimes she wasn't sure if crying or screaming or laughing through hysteria will solve anything at all.

She had so many plans to do once she finished the exams. She wanted to learn cooking in which she was very weak at; stitching which she had no clue about; baking, she loved doing it. She wanted to study ICT since she didn't choose that as one of her basket subjects. She wanted to help her juniors by teaching one of her 3 subjects because teaching was her passion and habit since childhood. But she was not ready to do it out of fear on how would her exams results turn up. And her parents were not able to manage time to find a safe place for her to learn any other life skills. 

She felt like a failure when she wasn't able to fulfill any of the bucket list things she had planned and loneliness added fuel to it. 

But today... this one day made all her sorrows and pain vanish in the air. She was living the happiest day of her life right now. 

This is what every girl with dreams longs for. To see pride in their parents' eyes.

It was all worthy she thought. She would have enjoyed the pain she was going through if she had known that they were leading the path to this day of her life, TODAY is all what she prayed for. She thanked god wholeheartedly for everything. 

Her lips curved into a thin smile. It was a moment to be framed. She wiped her face and got up to realize that she was shedding lone tears. Were they out of her pain or were they happy tears. She didn't want to research because she was already full; Full of emotion...


She turned her head sideways and was shocked to find her brother entering her room passing the wide open door. Sivaangi panicked. Did he just come come or he saw her crying already. He came with his phone, " Sivu, Ashwin is asking if we can go on a night drive. like at 8 probably? He was asking if we could go in our car or he has to take Laksh uncle's car along with Arjun and the girls." 

Sivaangi's eyes twinkled with surprise but it suddenly narrowed as she frowned "he called you first to ask this without informing me ?" Rakesh chuckled and knocked his sister's head saying "girl you and your silly possessiveness. he had decided it already that we are going on a drive and called me just to check the car thing. don't worry I am sure your best friend has planned it for you. We are just a company. Poor me who was driving 6h after a sleepless night yesterday and this duo doesn't want me to get a peaceful sleep" he said and moved to his room leaving a pouting Sivaangi. 

Not a minute had passed and her phone rang bringing a smile onto her face. "Ashwineyyy" her screen flashed. She answered in the 2nd ring. "where are you" asked his excited voice. "home" replied Sivaangi curtly pretending to be angry. "okay what you doing? unless you are tired we can go on a drive. I mean all 6 of us and we can ask Shakthi and Shravan to join us too. I just felt bored at home " 

Sivaangi chuckled silently. "are you there" he frowned not hearing his friend who talks non stop. She didn't want to make it awkward for him so she replied immediately " yes yes that's a great idea. you know i love night rides. I will be ready by 8 ok? " Ashwin smiled as he knew it. His chirpy friend was back. 

Here Sivaangi smiled to herself, he speaks lengthy sentences only when he wants to reason something so that she wouldn't misunderstand him. Yes Ashwin was afraid to confess that he was planning this for his best friend. But he wanted to enjoy with all of them like they usually do.  

And there's the start to their adventures... another beginning of fun at their natives...

Hello, how was this chapter?

Was it weird to see the friendship of Ashwin and Sivaangi? Naming each other to be best friends but acting weird? 

Wait for the upcoming chapters to know the reason behind. but let me know your guesses.

Did you like Ashaangi's meet? I know that is not what you expected. but please trust me i wanna take it slow since i want the main focus of this story to be conveyed properly. it is not just  only about love. 

I wanna say myself and the world that we are born with a purpose and dreams and hardwork matter.

Does any of you have both parents working and have suffered like this ? I have and I still suffer it. 

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