🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Three : Familial Strains

Start from the beginning

He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could speak, their father intervened.

"Seokjin, let's settle this matter calmly," Mr. Kym interjected, his tone gentle but authoritative. "We're all here to enjoy dinner together, so let's focus on that."

Seokjin shot Taehyun one last disapproving look before reluctantly nodding in acquiescence, though his frustration still simmered beneath the surface.

Taehyun, though still perturbed by his brother's admonishment, begrudgingly followed suit, though the tension at the table remained palpable.

Lisa observed the tense exchange between Taehyun and Seokjin, her concern growing as the atmosphere at the table became strained.

Beside her mother, Mr. Jung remained composed but attentive.

As the meal progressed, Mrs. Kym attempted to break the ice, directing her attention towards Lisa with a friendly smile. "And how's work been, dear? Still keeping busy at the hospital?"

Lisa nodded, grateful for the opportunity to steer the conversation away from the growing tension. "Yes, it has been keeping me occupied," she replied, her tone casual.

Mrs. Kym listened attentively, nodding along with interest as Lisa spoke. "It sounds like you're doing important things," she remarked, her tone genuine.

Mr. Kym interjected, his voice laced with curiosity. "Speaking of work, Lisa, have you heard about the recent developments in the healthcare sector?"

Lisa glanced at him, still avoiding eyes contact with Taehyun, surprised by the sudden shift in topic. "Um, I'm not sure. What developments are you referring to?"

Mr. Kym leaned forward, his expression animated as he launched into an explanation of the latest advancements in medical technology.

Lisa listened intently, grateful for the chance to engage in a more neutral topic of conversation.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jung chimed in with his own insights, adding depth to the discussion with his knowledge of the industry.

Despite the tension in the room, the conversation flowed smoothly, each member of the family contributing their own perspective.

Lisa found herself relaxing into the conversation, the initial awkwardness of the dinner gradually fading into the background.

As the conversation flowed around the table, Lisa couldn't help but notice Taehyun's uncharacteristic silence.

Taehyun suddenly stood up, his chair scraping against the floor as all eyes turned towards him in surprise.

"Excuse me," he began, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of nervousness. "There's something I need to say."

The room fell silent as Taehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.

Lisa watched him intently, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for whatever revelation he was about to make.

He began, his voice wavering slightly despite his best efforts to remain composed. "I can't go through with the marriage."

A surprise spread through the room as his words sank in, the tension palpable as everyone waited for him to continue.

"I know this may come as a shock, but Lisa and I have decided to end our engagement," Taehyun continued, his voice gaining strength with each word. "It's not fair to either of us to continue pretending when our hearts aren't in it."

Lisa's heart skipped a beat at his words, a mixture of relief and uncertainty washing over her as she processed the wait of what he was saying.

And then, Taehyun made his way to the door, his eyes fixed on a figure standing just outside the dining room.

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