Nixon P.O.V

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I'm sitting in my office with my team to finalize my trip before I leave. Leo are at my parents home while I will be gone. He excited about meeting his siblings.
"We know Savannah will be stubborn I say we sneak up on her and drag her back here kicking and screaming." Oran says.
We all laugh.
"She will kill us all." Lance says.
"I just need to talk to her. You are going to read her emotions and use that gamma charm of yours on her." I tell Oran.
"You will fix this fucker. You will give her what she needs. I'm not helping you. I'll tell you her emotions but you are going to face her."Oran says.
"That's exactly what he needs to do. Fight to get her back. Tell her the damn truth." Stephan growls.
"And if that doesn't work." I say.
"Then you accept that you lost."Stephan says.
I growl.
"You have the bond on your side. You accepted her and you know Evie has always belonged to Jared." Oran smirks.
"If that doesn't work we can always go to Orans plan." Lance laughs.
"I'll deal with Savannah but I'm there for my pup." I say.
My phone rings and of course it's Sarai.
"Dad are you on your way." She says excitedly.
"No. I'm leaving in 30 minutes." I tell her.
"Who's coming with you." She ask.
"Oran." I say.
We laugh.
"I'm serious." She says.
"I'll keep your father in line." Oran says.
"You too Uncle Oran." She says.
We hang up after letting her know we will call when we enter their territory.

Jared is tense. He doesn't know Evie or Savannah feelings for him anymore. Did too much time pass. It's a 4 hour drive. I really didn't want to go but Sarai really wanted me there. I just don't know if I want my pack allied with anything associated with that fucker. But for Sarai I will do anything. Tonight they're having a pack dinner to welcome me. Tomorrow we will sign the alliance and I will get to know Lloyd. Thursday I will be headed home. I might extend the trip because I need time to speak with Savvy. Hopefully we have time to speak with each other.  It's only Oran and I we chose no guards. We can handle ourselves and are both armed.

"You got this Nix. You love her so fight for her. Plus the woman will have your head if you don't return with her." Oran says as we pull up to the gate.
"I just don't feel like I deserve her." I sigh.
We pull up to the pack gates as I'm calling Sarai. She tells me an address to come to which is 10 minutes away. We pull up in the quiet neighborhood. It's a nice home. Oran pulls up in the driveway and my daughter jumps on me as soon as I get out the car.

"I miss you daddy." She says.
"I miss you too princess. You don't stay at the pack house." I say hugging her tightly and looking around.
"Yes I do. I just walked here." She said. "Hey Uncle Oran."
She goes to hug him while I'm looking around for guards. I don't see any and I'm on alert.
"Your mate with you." I say.
She sighs and rolls her eyes as Oran and I look around.
"No I walked by myself. I missed you uncle. How you been?" She says.
"Fine who lives here?" Oran asked.
She just stares at us amused.
"Seriously Sarai where the hell is your guard." I groan.
"It is fine. Come in. I don't need a guard here." She says pulling us towards the house.

Jared is up instantly her scent hits me so hard I freeze. 'Cherries and warm apples with a hint of vanilla cinnamon.' Oran pushes me so I can control. I follow Sarai to the kitchen where my mate is standing. She's fucking beautiful. Her curly blonde hair that's reaches her hips. She has on a sundress and it is doing justice for her figure. She is still as sexy as ever at 40. I take it all in.
"Hello Savvy." I say.
"Nixon." She says.
"Hey Oran." She says happily.
I let out a low growl. She rolls her eyes.
"Mommy look what I found." A little red head boy runs from the open back deck.
I stare in pure shock and disbelief. He shows her some bugs before showing Sarai. He finally notices me.
"Daddy!" He squeals happily.
He squirms out his mother arms running to me. So she's told him about me.
I pick him up and breathe in his scent.
'Mine' Jared growls in my head.
"Hey buddy." I say kissing all over his face.
He laughs telling me it tickles. I see Savannah nervousness but I'm too pissed to care. She kept my pup away from me. He takes Oran and I outside to see his bug castle.
"How old are you?" I ask him.
"3." He says holding up 3 fingers proudly.
She could have fucking told me. She kept my pup away from me.
'Breathe Nix. Go speak with her before tonight.' Oran links me.
'Stay with him.' I say.
I go back into the house. Her and Sarai are gathered in the kitchen talking. She tenses when she sees me.
"WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE A 3 YEAR OLD I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT?" I growl at both her and Sarai.
"He is healthy and fine. I didn't need to tell you." She says.
"NO! You did it because of your anger towards me." I growl.
"There it is. That arrogant asshole you truly are. No bastard I did it to protect what is mine!" She growls Evie right on surface with her.
Both are pissed. Just as I'm about to respond I hear footsteps running through the house.
"Dad!" Shilo and Sky scream as they tackle me to the ground.
I laugh as I hug them tightly. They let me up.
"I missed you daddy." Skylar cries.
Fuck my strong pup is crying. Skylar doesn't cry. I feel Savvy pain.
"I miss you too." I say holding him kissing his head.
I look over to see a boy around 10 years old that's identical to me. He's holding Savannah looking nervously at me but I since his hope.
I glance at Savannah who nods slightly kissing the boys head.
I approach them.
"Hey buddy." I say.
The boy immediately hugs me breaking down crying.
"Daddy." He cries as I pick him up holding him close.
I see the tears fall from Savannah eyes.
"Shhh buddy. I'm here. I love you." I tell him calmly.
I don't know what I expected but two pups damn sure wasn't apart of my plan.

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