Nixon POV

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I'm in my office talking with Oran and my father when I feel panic thru Savannah and I bond. I tense and Oran notices. She is due any day now so we've all been alert. Her and Miranda went out today.
'NIXON MY WATER BROKE!' She shouts thru the link.
I stand immediately but try to remain calm.
'Where are you?' I ask as calmly as possible.
'Heading to the pack hospital. We had just entered the territory.' She says.
'Ok I just linked the doctor I'm on my way.' I tell her.
We already had the plan it will just be her and I in the room during the birth she will tell her parents after.
I try to remain calm and excuse myself from the meeting with my father just as Stephan comes in. He immediately comes up with a distraction for my father as I head out. I use my full wolf speed to reach the hospital. I get there just as she is settling in her room crying in pain. I go over and kiss her immediately.
All nurses in the room currently have been sworn to secrecy and ordered not to speak on this to anyone.
The doctor rushes in as the monitor for my pup's heartbeat starts to sound.
"I'm here alpha. Ok Savannah relax I'm going to check and see how far down he is." She says.
Savannah breathes in and groans as the doctor checks her. I'm tense but Savvy is holding my hand trying to calm me. I order Miranda here because we both need a calm person in the room.
"Ok he should be here soon you are currently at a 6. He's doing fine." Doctor Carly says.
"Ok thank you." We say.
I lean down and kiss her. Miranda brings a cool rag to place on her head.
"I know I said last time I was done but this time I'm so serious." Savannah groaned as she's hit with a contraction.
"Another year or 2." I smirk.
She growls at me. I keep her calm.
"You doing better than last time. You cussed everyone out last time." Miranda laughs.
"Sarai was stubborn as hell. She would not come out." Savannah laughed.
I should have been there. I feel me about to get emotional and she turns my face to her so I can breathe her scent. I'm supposed to be calming her and here she is always calming me.
"I love you." I tell her.

2 hours later and she feels the urge to push. The doctors and nurses come in and I hold her legs looking at my son being birthed.
"PUSH SAVANNAH! YOU GOT THIS!" The doctor urges her.
"He's big." She cries.
"Almost there. I see his head." Doc says.
I look down and see some red hair. I smile at Savannah.
"His hairs red isn't it." She rolls her eyes.
"Yes." I say happily.
"Ok sweetie one hard push and your pup will be here." Doc says.
Savannah screams as she pushes him out.
"He's here. He's a big one too. Very strong Alpha." I say.
I see her holding my identical twin up. His eyes haven't opened yet but he looks exactly like me. I can't help the tears.
"Alpha come cut the cord." Doc says.
I cut it and my son lets out a loud strong cry.
"He's definitely an Alpha." Miranda laughs.
"Definitely." I say as they lay him on Savannah chest.
She kisses him and tells him how much she loves him.
"Ok Sav I'll take him over here to get his weight." One of the nurses says.
"9lbs6oz 22in" the nurse tells out.
Damn he was huge. I feel his aura just like I feel Sarais they are truly alpha wolves. My heir.
She brings him over and places him in my arms. I hold him while they finish on Savvy.
Miranda comes to stand beside me looking at him.
"He looks exactly like you. I can't wait until he opens his eyes to see what color they are." She coos at him.
It's like he knew and he opens eyes staring right at me with his mother's orange eyes.
"He had your eyes babe." I tell her.
She smiles but I can tell she is exhausted. I take him over to her so she can start nursing.
After we are situated my Alpha team all come in with their mates.
'Are you going to tell them his name?' She links me.
"What did you two decide his name would be." Oran asked. I told him earlier.
"Skylar Stephan Spring Carter." I say.
Stephan gasped in shock. He comes and takes Skylar from Oran.
"Yeah little man. You are named after your favorite uncle." He says happily.
"Well it was only right you have been dealing with our drama since the beginning." Savannah says.
He smiles at us.
"Thank you." He says
I take my pup back and lay with him on my chest beside Savannah.
We stay like that for 2 hours passing Sky around until she is ready to see her parents. I really don't want to leave but I'll go for now.
'As soon  as they leave Savannah.' I tell her.
'I will Nixon.' She says.
I groan.

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