Nixon P.O.V

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It's been 3 months since I have talked to Savvy. She talks to everyone except me. I ask them how the pup is doing and all I get from them is she says it's healthy and strong. No one knows the gender. Only person who knows the pup is mine is Stephan.

I requested a meeting with her today. She agreed because Stephan had asked her. I'm pretty sure she didn't want to. She stayed true to her word and doesn't bother me about anything.

Stephan and I had talked and I wanted to get a place for her and the pup. The place is in a community in our Southern territory. It's close to her job. I know she will feel like I'm just trying to get rid of her since it's also furthest from the pack house.

It's a beautiful house with a lake view and garden. Also the backyard is huge for the pup to grow.

My door is open so she knocks before entering. She looks beautiful. Her round bump and glowing skin.

"Shut the door." I say calmly.
She does and comes to take a seat.
"How are you Savvy?" I ask nicely.
"Great." She responds.
"The pup?" I ask concerned.
She looks at me with confusion.
"Growing." She says.
I sigh.
"Savannah I know you probably don't want to accept it but please let me do this for you." I plead.
"You gone let me leave?" She says.
I look at her.
"No. I got you a house in the new community in our southern territory. It's close to your job. The house has a garden and lake view also the backyard is big enough for the pup to grow." I tell her handing over the portfolio.
"You know I put in a request to live in neutral territory." She says.
I did know. The apartment complex was nice but not to grow my pup.
"I did this house is better it's paid for and in your name. Please Savannah let me do this for you."
She stares at me.
"Ok. I like the lake view and the pup and I will still be close to mom and dad." She tells me.
And me.
I hand over the keys and her housing documents.
"Thank you." She says appreciatively.
"Welcome Savvy." I say.
She stands and I stare at her bump she notices.
"The pup is healthy and strong." She says.
I still stare wanting to touch it. I've never felt a baby bump. I was not around Brittany during her pregnancy or for the birth.
She must have knew what I was thinking. She comes around the desk. I turn facing her. She takes my hand and put it on her stomach. I feel my baby kick. I tune in my wolf senses and listen to the sound of a strong steady heartbeat.
"Thank you." I tell her.
She nods.
"Thanks for the house we will appreciate it." She tells me leaving.
It's the least I can do.

"We need to travel to the WhiteClaw pack." Oran says
"When?" I ask
I really need to get away for a while.
"We can leave tomorrow and drop by some of the businesses headed that way." He says.
"Agreed I need to get a better alliance with the pack since Kenny will be taking over." I say.
"His mates expecting a little boy. I hear he is a happy bastard." Oran says
I laugh.
"You need to go over some more attacks with Tim." I tell him.
"Also want to increase our presence on border west."'He says
I nod.
"You know Sav was here with Rachel and Miranda earlier. She just got a house they went furniture shopping." Oran says
"I heard. Near her job." I say
"Yeah she's glowing. She says she's excited about motherhood." He says.
I smile.
"She will be an amazing mother." I say sincerely.

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