Savannah P.O.V

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2 years later
Sarai will be 16 in 3 days. It's a special day. She will be getting her wolf. I knew how bad she wanted Nixon there with her so we agreed to meet in neutral territory before her shift. She excited. I'm excited for her. I haven't seen Nixon in 7 years and still haven't told him about Shane. My sister agreed to keep him while the 4 of us travel to meet him. Oran,Rachel, Miranda, Stephan, Lance, and Rose will all be there. Nixon agreed to keep Jared from trying to mate Evie. Evie would like that but absolutely not.

"Ma you should really go on a date. It's been years if you aren't going to talk to dad then you should at least try to move on." Sarai says.
"I'm not interested in anyone here." I say with an eye roll.
She loves her dad but she's still pissed that Brittany is around. She always tells me I need to date but I just can't. Evie won't have it hopefully eventually she'll give in.
'Never. I know who I'm made for and will have no other.' She huffs
I roll my eyes not even bothering to respond. She feels that way but does he. He couldn't have because he chose her.
"She's right Sav. At least one date." Denise says.
"Can you let me cope with being around that bastard first." I roll my eyes.

Denise leaves and I have a nice family dinner with my babies. Skylar is 13. Shilo is 10. Shane is 7. I know Shane really wants to meet Nixon but I just can't allow it. I know he would try to get us to come back to Ambersy. I will not allow it. It might be selfish but the pups are doing well here. They enjoy pack life. They train. They're fierce warriors too. My dad trains with them also they told me Nixon trains them every weekend.

It's 7 hours until Sarai shift. We are meeting at the halfway point in neutral territory. We just ate dinner and are heading that way. I can feel Sarai nervousness but she's excited. I'm excited to meet her wolf. Evie is excited to meet her pup. I know Nixon and Jared feel the same. I don't feel his emotions anymore. I feel time has broken our bond completely.

Nixon just arrived. He greets his kids while I greet the team. Oran pops me upside my head.
"7 years Savannah. What the hell." He says.
I flip him off.
"I've talked to Rachel all the time asshole." I say.
"But not us." Lance groans.
I roll my eyes.
"Yes we meet up regularly. Y'all sided with that asshole over there." Rose says glaring at Nixon.
Nixon rolls his eyes before coming over. I see sadness in his eyes but he mask it quickly. The man looks fine as hell. He'll be 36 in January and fuck the bastard the looks better than ever. I see him take me in seductively and I roll my eyes.
"Hello Nixon." I say calmly.
"Hello Savvy." He says.
"I love it for you two. Playing nice." Lance says.
"I've always been nice." I say.
Nixon scoffs.
"I've broken up some pretty nasty fights between the two of you if I recall."Stephan says.
"Yes that whipped fucker use to beg for forgiveness anytime he pissed her off." Oran laughs.
"Dad was whipped! Not Alpha Nixon the most feared alpha."Sky laughs.
Nixon pops Sky head.
"I was not whipped. I just let her have her way that's the difference. Whipped is what your Uncle Stephan is." Nixon says.
"Fuck that. You couldn't even function if she was mad with you. She gave you and order and you would run to do her bidding." Stephan laughs.
"I recall you being the same way for Miranda." I say.
"Still is. Bastard would jump off a cliff if I wanted." Miranda says.
We laugh.

Sarai starts to feel the effects of her shift. Nixon is trying to talk her thru it and calm her. Im rubbing her head. She crying and groaning in pain.
"Daddy." She cries.
"I'm here princess." He says.
"Jared please." She says.
I nod and he goes to shift. I rub her and soothe her. Talking her thru the pain. We have the boys standing by Lance and Oran in case her wolf attacks. Nixon is shifting so Jared will be able to soothe his pup
Jared comes from behind the tree. He looks at me and licks my face. I rub his head.
"Hey my wolf." I say to him.
Sarai groans in pain and Jared focuses on her. I can tell he is mind linking her. I'm rubbing her back when I feel her first bone break and her body heat up. Jared comes between us while I shift to Evie who's ready to meet her pup. Once I'm shifted then two fuckers lick each other face. I hear Oran laugh.
'Evie do not. This is for our pup only.' I tell her.
She huffs but focuses on Sarai.
We lay beside her. She groans and cries. Begging us to make it stop.
She lets out a heart wrenching scream before her shift completely takes over.
She's beautiful. A large silver wolf with black on the tip of her tail, ears, and paws. She's the perfect mix of Evie and Jared.
A link between our three wolves open up.
'Nadira' Jared and Evie say.
They both let out growls claiming their pup.
She growls back before rubbing herself against us.
'You look beautiful' I tell her.
'My princess is growing up' Nixon says.
'I love y'all. Thank you for everything.' She says.
She turns around and approaches her brothers. They excitedly rub her fur and tell her how big and beautiful she is. She tackles her father and uncles and of course they enjoyed showing her who's stronger. She comes over to Evie and rubs herself against her.
'I love you babygirl.' I say.
'Forever and always. It's us mommy.' She says.
'Always love.' I tell her.
Shilo gets on Nixon back and Skylar on Stephan. We run for the next 3 hours. It was the best feeling. I felt at home. It felt like back when things were peaceful and Nixon and I would take the kids on runs. Or at the lake house playing with them.

We decided to stay in neutral territory for the night. We will head home in the morning.

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