Chapter 9

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Author's pov:

Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, Y/n decides to distance herself from Jungkook. She throws herself into spending time with her family in Daegu, seeking solace and distraction from the emotional turmoil she's experiencing.

Switching off her phone, Y/n cuts herself off from the outside world, desperate to escape the constant reminders of Jungkook.

Boarding the train to Daegu, Y/n finds solace in the rhythmic clatter of the tracks beneath her feet. As the familiar scenery of the countryside flashes by, she allows herself to grieve the loss of what could have been, the weight of her sorrow pressing down on her with every mile traveled.

As Jungkook returns to Seoul, he's eager to reconnect with Y/n and share the excitement of their successful music video shoot. However, when his calls and messages to her go unanswered, he becomes increasingly worried and anxious.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, Jungkook decides to call Minju, hoping she might have some insight into Y/n's whereabouts. However, to his dismay, Minju is just as clueless as he is, unable to offer any information that could help him find Y/n.

It was already one week. As the days pass with no sign of Y/n, Jungkook's desperation intensifies. Every morning, he finds himself drawn to the familiar streets surrounding Y/n's apartment building, hoping against hope that today will be the day he finally sees her again.

Despite his fame and resources, Jungkook's search yields no results. The city seems to swallow up any trace of Y/n, leaving him feeling lost and helpless in his pursuit.


As Y/n reads the email on her laptop inviting her to the Golden album listening party, a mix of emotions swirls within her. She finally decided to go back to Seoul and join the party. She knows that as the director of the album, it's her professional duty to attend the event.

She's strong enough to overcome the situation and she decided to only focus on her career from now on. The party is so important for her to meet other people from the industry.

Arriving in Seoul, Y/n feels a sense of trepidation building within her with each passing mile. Finally she reached her apartment and decided to take a shower first.

As Y/n's choosing her outfit for the night, she decides to give Minju a call. She dials Minju's number and waits for her to pick up.

"Hey, Minju, it's me," Y/n says as soon as the call connects, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

"Y/n! Oh my gosh, it's so good to hear from you!" Minju exclaims, her voice bright and cheery on the other end of the line. "How was your trip? Are you back in Seoul now?"

"Yeah, I just got back today," Y/n replies, trying to sound casual despite the turmoil brewing inside her. "Listen, I wanted to ask you something. Are you going to the Golden album listening party tonight?"

There's a brief pause on the other end of the line before Minju responds, her tone suddenly hesitant. "Actually, I can't make it tonight," she admits, her voice tinged with regret. "I'm meeting up with a friend from out of town. I'm really sorry, Y/n."

Y/n's heart sinks at Minju's words, a pang of disappointment washing over her. She had been hoping to have her friend by her side for support during the event, especially with the prospect of seeing Jungkook again looming before her.

"It's okay, Minju," Y/n says, forcing a smile despite the twinge of sadness in her voice. "I understand. Have fun with your friend. I've to get ready. I'll talk to you later." Y/n ends the call, her mind already racing with thoughts of the evening ahead.

As Y/n prepares for the Golden album listening party, she carefully selects her outfit, opting for a sleek and sophisticated look that reflects her professionalism and confidence. With the weight of her emotions still heavy on her heart, she chooses to wear an all-black ensemble, channeling a sense of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

To complete her look, Y/n chooses a pair of classic black heels, their sleek design adding height and confidence to her stride. She accessorizes with delicate silver jewelry, opting for understated elegance over flashy embellishments.

As Y/n enters the venue for the Golden album listening party, the room falls silent in awe of her stunning appearance. Dressed in her sleek all-black ensemble, she exudes an air of elegance and sophistication that captivates everyone in attendance.

Whispers ripple through the crowd as guests turn to admire Y/n's beauty, their eyes lingering on her radiant presence. Some even dare to approach her, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her allure.

"Wow, who is she? She's absolutely breathtaking," one guest murmurs to their companion, their voice filled with admiration.

Another guest can't help but comment on Y/n's striking appearance, their words tinged with disbelief. "Is she a model? She looks like she stepped straight out of a fashion magazine."

But it's not just Y/n's beauty that leaves the crowd in awe-it's the confidence and poise with which she carries herself, a silent testament to her strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

"Excuse me, miss," the guest begins, their voice hesitant yet curious. "Are you a model or an actress?"

Y/n smiles graciously at the question, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Actually, I'm the director of the album," she replies, her tone humble yet self-assured.

The guest's eyes widen in surprise, their admiration for Y/n only growing stronger. "Wow, that's incredible. You're absolutely stunning, by the way," they say, unable to hide their admiration.

As Y/n navigates the crowded venue of the Golden album listening party, she finds herself approached by representatives from various music companies, all eager to secure her talents as a music video director.

As Y/n listens to their offers, her mind whirls with possibilities. The thought of branching out and working with new artists excites her, and she's flattered by the recognition and praise she's receiving from industry insiders. But she was still looking for someone specific in the crowd.

Finally she excused herself to go to the restroom.

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