I gasped and covered my mouth, tears already forming in my eyes. 

"Will you marry me?" He opened the box. 

I felt my heart collapse. This was the sweetest thing ever and I couldn't even form the words with my mouth. I nodded feeling tears run down my face, "Yes!" I said.

His eyes watered and he jumped up quickly wrapping his arms around my waist lifting me into the air. My arms wrapped around his neck. "I love you so much" his voice was so weak and filled with love. 

I never wanted to stop hugging him "I love you" I smiled against his neck. 

Thea Allen sounded nice. 

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm sounded so loudly. I tried to reach over and turn it off, but when I tried I realized I couldn't. Barry's arms were wrapped around my stomach holding my back to his stomach tightly. 

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't stand my stupid sound alarm. "Barry" I whispered and pushed him off me a little, he loosed his grip when I did that and I was able to reach over and turn of my alarm. 

It was 6:45(am). I moaned quietly and scooted back to Barry till my back hit his stomach. I waited a second and he readjusted tightening his grip again, keeping me so close to him. He was awake because he rubbed his fingers across my bare stomach, making me grab his hand under the covers. When I tamed his hand he lightly bit my shoulder making me push him away from me. 

"Okay, okay, sorry I'll stop" He whispered kissing the spot he just bit. "Good morning Thea" He hugged my waist again and held me to him.

I smiled "Good morning" I whispered "Can we just stay in bed a little longer?" 

I felt him nod his head on my shoulder "Yes, yes we can" He left a trace of kisses on my shoulder, which tickled but I did my best to ignore it. 

After he purposed last night, we had pizza and wine and went to bed. We were both tired and it was already late after the game and proposal. It all just felt like a dream. 

About thirty minutes of just laying in bed, we decided it was time to get up. Even though we just got engaged we didn't get to just stop going to work, that wasn't aloud. 

*Barry and Thea get to CCPD* 

"Joe!" Barry let go of my hand and walked over to Joe where he stopped in the hallway. 

Joe looked at Barry "Hey Barr, and Thea" He looked at me smiling. 

Barry glanced at me and back to him "Me and Thea, we are engaged" 

His mouth dropped open and he looked at me. "That's amazing Barr, I'm so happy you have the luckiest girl"

Barry gently picked up my hand showing off the ring, he had gotten me. He was so happy for us and I was too. "Aw thanks" I smiled at Joe. 

"Oh and this ring is beautiful." He looked at me and Barry again "I can't believe it, you guys are still so young" 

I laughed taking it as a joke. 

"West!" Shign was yelling from the main office room where his desk was. He sounded angry or not happy. 

"Well that's my cue, I am so happy for you guys. But duty calls."  He couldn't keep the smile off his face.  

With that he walked away and we headed up to our office. When we both got there Julian was already there, he was standing at my desk going through papers. "You are late" He said. 

I sighed and put my stuff down "Yeah well had a long night, last night so I don't wanna hear it from you" 

He scoffed and looked at Barry "oh your here too" 

"Yes, yes in fact I am here too because this is my job" Barry got stern with him, and I wanted to tell him to calm down. 

Julian laughed at walked to Barry's desk "That's surprising and you don't even show up to work half the time. And I heard you've had like fifty late calls, which is what I expected from you." 

Barry looked at him "I work here Julian you don't and you have no right to snoop through my business!" 

I walked to Barry's desk, he was angry and Julian was just pushing his button. "Julian can you leave for a moment?" I asked him. 

He just scoffed again and walked off and out of the room angrily. 

"Hey, Barry I know he gets on your nerves trust me he gets on mine too but for now let's not focus on that" I paused and his expression softened 

"Your right, we have more important things to do" He calmed down and started logging into  his computer. 

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