Wen Junhui Is Found

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He smirked, wigging his eyes as he flirted with the waitress taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. He whispered in a low voice. "Say how much can you tolerate?"

The waitress bit her lip, looking around, making sure no one was paying attention to them in the corner of the restaurant. "Depends on how much you feed me..."

"I'll wait for you..." Junhui letting off of her hand as he waved to her, watching her walk away.

Just then, his phone rang as he proceeded to pick it up. "Hello?"

"Jun, please don't tell me you're out experimenting on people in the middle of the night. It's almost curfue, and the doors will close, so come back to the dorm!" It was his one and only friend that called.

"Come on, just a few more minutes. Please. You see, I found this girl who's willing to participate in my experiment."

"I don't care, come back."

"Nope! As a scientist, it is my job to figure out the spiceies dish in existence. And I will make sure that I am the creator of it." Junhui gave an evil laugh, spreading his hands out only to freeze. He looked around at the silence he received and gave a nervous chuckle to the annoyed stairs he received. Quickly apologizing, he turned to face the window behind him and continued talking. "Sorry..."

"Junhui... you can do what ever experimenting you want on weekends, but for now, please just come back. When Miss Doyuo gets here to check on everyone, I won't be able to cover for you again, and even if I do, I'll end up getting kicked out of here and I can't afford that. Please."

Junhui sighed and pondered over his thoughts and came to the conclusion that here a girl was waiting for him while there, his friend who had practically been through life and death with him was also waiting for him. Would he sacfrice his potential successful experiment for the sake of his friend or pursue his dear research.

The answer was obvious. "I love you, man... But... I can not let my experiment go after I worked so hard to get it. Bye... I will greet you in hell, my friend."

Junhui dropped the call immediately, not wanting to hear his friend's word, knowing he would be yelled at. He quickly glanced back and around for any signs of the girl.


His head snapped forward as he freaking out at the sight of the girl posing up out of nowhere in front of Junhui on the other side of the window. He almost fell off his chair if it hadn't been for grabbing his hand and pulling him to stay stable.

She giggled. "I'm ready. Let's go. Take me where you want."

"Yes!" Junhui, without a second thought, jumped out of the window and ran away with the girl.


The girl stood silently in front of a restaurant with Junhui. But it wasn't any restaurant. It was the one with the spiciest dishes on the block.

Junhui pulled out his phone and turned on the voice recorder. "Day 21, I have arrived in Seoul's back ally where one of the most nitrous restaurants with a chilly obsessed chef. Today marks a new experiment as I have a girl with me to take part in this test--"

Junhui's words were immediately cut off as the girl wasted no time in smacking his face to the side, making sure she left a nice big red handprint on his cheek.

"What the hell! I thought you were taking me out to dinner or asking me out! I don't want any part of your experiment, creep! Go away. I don't want to see your face ever again!" She fumed in anger at him before stomping away, leaving him to reflect on his action--which he did not at all.

"...Ouch..." Junhui blinked, felling his cheek sting. In one way or another, deep down inside, he knew something like this would happen, but he still did want to try because trying couldn't hurt.

He sighed once again, speaking into the recorder as he looked up at the building in front of him. "Unfortunately, my test subject has left me, and now I am to rely on myself. The out won't be effective as I am used to spicy food, but it is worth a try."

He stopped the recording and took a step into the shop, looking around at the blustering mood. People drank and ate like this would be the last time they got to do something like this, and the waiters and waitresses ran around seeing the customers as fast as they could. The red lining was perfect to give the heat of spice, and the temperature made it perfect for the food to be consumed.

Junhui smiled at the thought of the loss of one test subject turning into the twenty that were around him on tables gobbling down the food because of dares. He wasted no time in documenting his new finding for human limits to spice consumption as he made sure to even ask the owner about he he created the dish.

He made sure to savor every bite, loving the sensation of the spice burning his throat and sizzling through his throat down to his stomach. The delicacies presented to him were endless as he reached a point where the spice did not affect him any but it did affect the ones that were around him. He took notes and studied the new spice combinations before the closing time, not forgetting to take some samples back to the dorm to test on hid friends.

He waved goodbye to the owner as he stood outside their restaurant, all alone realizing the time, knowing he would not be able to go back to the dorms. He decided that it would be best for him to just sit on the bench outside the restaurant and sleep. If anyone were deciding to sneak up on him, then his even eyed sleeping technique could ward them off.

He proceeded to do just that, drifting off into snores with the spicy food surrounding his for his next experiment.


Little did he know that Carat pulled up the bus to him, stepping out. He heard the sounds and then yelled from Seungcheol that jolted him out of his sleep.

He closed his eyes and rubbed them before opening them again to look at Carat's towering figure over him.

"Who are you?" He asked a little confused by the situation he was in as he glanced at the three males that stared at him from inside the bus like he was a ghost of some sort ready to cause trouble--which he would admit he was.

"Name's Carat! And I'm here to pick you up, my dear rider!" She beamed holding out her hand.

"Huh? I didn't call for a ride, though?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's true, but who cares! You looked like you needed help, so here i am. Now tell me! What's your name?" She asked.

"..." He pondered over whether he should tell Carat his name. But the thought of th helping his experiment overpowered everything. "Wen Junhui."

After saying his name proudly, his hand was taken hold of as he got dragged into the bus without warning, barely managing to take his food with him insode. "Nice name, Junhui! Now let's go! We've got more people waiting for us!"

"Eh?" More research? He was ready.

"Haha!" She laughed, pushing Junhui into a seat.

"Yeah, let's go!" Junhui turned to the three males around him and blinked, feeling a little shy that he blurted that put of nowhere.

Carat laughed, happy that Junhui was the first one that willinging almist acepted getting on the bus right again with no struggle.

She sat and began driving away with a big grin. "I found you, Wen Junhui!"


How are you doing? 💙

Love you! ❤️ Take care and stay safe, Infinity! ♾️

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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