Choi Seungcheol Is Found

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He dragged his feet across the empty street in search of even a single street lamp. But there were none to be found.

Nevertheless, he kept walking with one can of leftover beer from his part-time job as a cashier.

The only thing that illuminated his path was the ray of hope in his brain that seemed to stay sane in the dark.

His worn-out jacket was evident of his hard work, and his baggy pants were proof of his carelessness as he let himself get drunk to the point where he took a wrong turn.


That sound was the only thing he heard as he trembled backward, falling on the ground. He let the can fly out of his hand and tumble away.

He was blinded by the sudden light that struck his sight... So had he found it the lamp he was looking for.

He squinted, looking up, and clouds came rushing towards him as if welcoming him to a new world.

"Hey! You wanna ride?! Hop in!"

There was a person...


No female...

And she stood with her hands on her hips as her hair fell to her shoulders, giving her a godly look.

"Who are you?" He asked, standing up as he dusted himself off.

"Name's Carat! And I'm here to pick you up, my dear rider!" She beamed holding out her hand.

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow thing it was all his imagination.

"Tell me! What's your name?" She asked.

"..." He pondered over whether he should tell Carat his name. But he lost to her smile. "S-Seungcheol... Choi Seungcheol."

"Nice name Seungcheol! Now let's go! We've got more people waiting for us!" She grabbed Seungcheol's arm.

"Eh?" Before Seungcheol knew it, CARAT pulled him into the bus.

"Haha!" She laughed, pushing Seungcheol into a seat and began driving away. "I found you, Choi Seungcheol!"


How was it?

Would you like me to continue?

Hope you liked it, Infinity!

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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