Yoon Jeonghan's Origin

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"Jeonghan-a! Get back here!" A woman yelled as she ran after Jeonghan, who jumped over the fence of his house and ran to the small stream behind his neighbor's house.

He was dressed in fashionable clothes with his black hair beautifully combed. His angelic smile never faded from his face as he ran as fast as his feet could carry him, feeling free of the burden that was placed on him moments ago.

His company had decided to send him on the run way in paris, and his parent's fully supported the idea, looking forward to seeing their beautiful boy standing and posing for the world to see his charm. He he asked for none of it and did not want to take part.

He argued and raised his voice against his parents, fighting back for what he wanted. Was modeling for the magazine not enough. He was fed up with the never-ending look of adrenaline his face and body gave to others. All he wanted was some peace and quiet and some people he wished to talk to.

Nevertheless, each and every trial of his was a failure. The people he wanted to talk to either took him as a rival and ignored him and observed him from afar while others plain out hated him for getting all the fame and recognition. He was angry that they were jealous.

Could people not play attention to themselves? Maybe just mind their own business and go along so that one day he could be liberated of the eyes that tainted him over the years.

The seconds turned into minutes as he made it to the stream after being lost in his thoughts. Taking quite steps he approached the stream and bent down the ferry his hands over the water. A calm smile adorned his pretty face as he saw the reflection of the moon in the water.

He giggled as the cold water ran through his fingers, washing away his troubles. With a peaceful exhale, he lifted his head to look at the beautiful stars.

Immediately captured by their beauty, he wished to know more and stood up enchanted. His feet moved on their own as he walked away from the stream towards the road.

The few leaves crunched beneath his feet with every step as the thoughts gushed back into his head. Once again, questioning several things all at once he began hating the stars in a way wanting them to take the attention from him sivellce they were already the brightest and the most beautiful of all the things he had laid eyes on.

As he continued following the road, he began running before he walked calmly. He wasn't sure why, but a sudden urge to find a lamp ingulfed his thoughts over the ones he already had. Deep in his thoughts, he simply searched for a lamp under which he could sit and look at the stars with the feeling of warmth surrounding.

For the first time, he would be eyeing someone and not getting eyed down himself. It was a cruel thought, but one simply filled with the purest intentions.

The time passed as he found the lamp only to get dragged into a bus by a mysterious woman named Carat...


So now here Jeonghan sat in his seat in absolute silence as he glanced back and forth between the male who was fast asleep and Carat.

"Where are you taking me?" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, putting on his seat belt as he watched that Carat was encountering a sharp turn.

"Your next friend!" She smiled successfully, making the turn.

"What friend?"

"Oh, that there is Choi Seungcheol! He's older than you by a few months, by the way." Carat pointed at him and then put her hand back on the wheel continuing. "As for your next friend... I for his name! But you'll love him and get along with him like brothers!"

"What the hell? I never asked for any of this. I wanna get off!" Jeonghan pulled on his seat belt, but it did not budge. "Why won't it come off?!"

"Haha! Oh, I forgot to tell you the one rule on this bus!" Carat chuckled.

"Get this off!!!" Jeonghan struggled.

"Rule one and only!!! Be yourself and accept your true feeling no matter what they are!!!" Carat screeched the car to a hault standing up as she grinned at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan would be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat at the warm aura Carat projected at him. Her words slowly sunk into his brain, traveling down his heart.

He couldn't help but smile chucking. "There's no winning against you is there."

"Hehe! Anyhow! Yoon Jeonghan, prepare to meet your new friend!!!"

Jeonghan's eyes traveled out of the window, looking at the enormous Han river...

But... There was a person... Drowing... Floating... In the center...

"Oh wow... I'm gonna have to do some hard work to get him out of there, won't I..." Carat scratched her head at the unexpected greeting.

She turned to face Jeonghan with a nervous smile. "You don't mind helping, do you?"

"Gladly!"Jeonghan let off a nervous laugh at the thought of having a crackhead as a friend...

In truth, he had always searched for one.


Did anyone get Dazai vibe in the end?

Thank you for reading! 💙

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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