Yoon Jeonghan Is Found

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After his long run, he walked the street, looking up at the stars, wondering just how free they were in the night sky with no one around them to tell them what to do.

He simply admired their beauty and compared them to himself. He saw no merit in doing so because he knew fully to well that his beauty would eventually pale down and was never comparable to the forever glittering stars in the sky. He wondered why people compared him to the stars when he was nowhere close to their divinity.

He wished for people to stop looking at his outer shell and simply accept him as he was on the inside. But no matter in what way he tried to express these words, it did not work for him.

Once again, he found himself looking for a flickering lamp to sit under and gaze at the stars that calmed him down.

And as if God had heard him and answered him. There was a flickering street lamp just a few blocks away.

So happy to have seen the light he ran towards it, laughing. Letting free of all the tension in his body, he relaxed himself on the wall behind and slid down with a peaceful breath of relief.

In the silence, he found peace away from his hectic schedule and constant nagging of his parents. He took one deep breath after another and closed his eyes  before opening them.

He repeated the fluttering of his eyes as he let the cold wind freeze his troubles even if it was just for a moment and looked at the beautiful and shimmering blanket above him.

Too mesmerized and trapped in his free world, he failed to notice the bus that came to a screeching halt in front of him.

"Bhahaha!" Carat laughed, walking down the stairs with her hands on her him. "Quite the enchanting night, isn't it?!"

Jeonghan snapped out of his trace and looked at Carat, who towered over him.

He wondered who this young woman was... Least to say, she did look to be around his age, but nevertheless, he knew better than anyone to ask a woman of her age.

"Who are you?" He simply asked, raising his eyebrow annoyed over the fact that she had disturbed his peaceful moment with the true stars.

"Name's Carat! And I'm here to pick you up, my dear rider!" Carat exclaimed with a beaming grin.

"..." Jeonghan stared at her with no emotion, but he had to say she might as well have been one of the most beautiful people he'd ever seen if not the most beautiful even more than him.

"Tell me! What's your name?" Carat asked.

"..." Jeonghan questioned a lot of things, especially the fact that she was a stranger. But he couldn't deny the fact that he somehow felt at ease with her around.

Nevertheless, he would not fall for what he thought were her tricks easily. He stayed quiet, wanting to analyze her thoughts... But he could not read her at all...

Now all he did was plead that she would so away if he kept silent...

"..." Carat's smile did not fade and remained.

Jeonghan gave up seeing just how stubborn her posture was as well as the aura she emitted.

"Jeonghan..." He answered.

"..." Carat blinked twice as if she was confused.

He gulped, understanding where she was getting at. "Yoon Jeonghan... My name is Yoon Jeonghan."

"Nice name, Jeonghan! Now let's go! We've got more people waiting for us!" She grabbed Jeonghan's arm.

"Wgat the hell?" Jeonghan pulled his hand back with all the strength he had, but it was no use. Carat was too strong.

So, just like that before Jeonghan knew it, Carat pulled him into the bus.

"Haha!" She laughed, pushing the shocked Jeonghan into the seat beside Seungcheol and began driving away. "I found you, Yoon Jeonghan!"


What do you guys think his origin is?

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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