Choi Seungcheol's Origin

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"I finally found you, Choi Seungcheol!" Carat laughed.

Seungcheol sat confused and comprehended his situation with his mouth agape. He couldn't take her eyes off her. No, he could he just refused to.

Seconds past, and he mustered up the courage to interrupt her soulful humming. "What do you mean you found me?" talking about?

"Huh? What are you talking about?" She glanced back at him and beamed. "You called me!"

"When?" He raised an eyebrow, searching his memory for even a single moment he called for someone to drag him into a bus. But he did not find anything.

"Remember 13 days ago?"

13 days ago...

Now that he thought about it... Wasn't he at the shrine making New Year's resolutions as well as wishes--which he was already failing to complete.


Once, he clapped his hands. Twice, he clapped his hands. Thrice, he bowed down on his knees with a smile.

He made a resolution to earn lots of money so that he could live comfortably and find light that would pull him out of his struggles.

He then wished for two things. One to be happy himself as well as his parents, who rested and watched over him from heaven. Two to find his fated friends asking for someone to guide him to them.

Once he clapped his hands. Twice, he clapped his hands. And thrice he stood up with a smile on his face.


Now he stared at Carat, wondering if she was the light he wished for to guide him.

Letting out a sigh, he came to acceptance with his situation. He closed his eyes, realizing just how tired he was from the long day before he looked up and around him.

"I remember." Seungcheol faintly smiled. He wasn't forcing it. It just came to him naturally as if he felt safe and happy in the with the warmth around him.

The rose quartz painted interior of the bus, which had only 13 cushoned seats, and the color of serenity radiated a feeling of home and comfort. As though the journey this bus would take him on would allow him to leave the past behind and look forward to the future.

He looked to his side, where he found a pair of headphones and a mic. He wanted to ask what they were for but too lazy in his comfort he refrained from opening his mouth.

He looked ahead at the silent streets. Carat drove them through, and he wondered where they were heading. He would red who was waiting for them. He wondered why...

Yes... He wondered why... This made him ask himself... Why did he want light...

Was it because he slept on the cold floor, neglected by his so-called friends. Or was it because he did not study properly in high school, which landed him an average job--which he was fired out off--and then as an elementary tutor before he quit losing his wits to children as he ended up at a convenience store.

He occasionally rapped as a means to vent his stress out, but lately, he'd been so caught up getting drunk that he'd forgotten about his hobby that he once wished to pursue with all his heart and his parent's help.

High school had taken a toll on him as well as the loss of his parents at that time. The years he had quickly turned onto days as he squeezed his brain out to pass the final test. He used all he had to make money even though he got fired in simply 3 months.

He considered finishing his military duties but ended up failing miserably to carry out anything and was kicked out before he could ruin things anymore. Unlike his name, which meant to succeed, he was always on the losing end no matter how much work and effort he put into what he had done.

The only place he'd ever feel like he'd achieved something was at home with his parents. When he got his first award after winning a middle school rap contest. When he successfully palanted a tree in the back yeard. When he climbed over a wall and snuck out to help his childhood friend in a fight.

But they were no longer there.

He was a hero, and now he was nothing all because he lost his light... He was trapped in darkness ever since the loss of his parents. They were the ones who showered him with true love and sheltered him from the pain he was being inflicted with. He was happy, and now he wasn't.

There was one to guide him, so he wished for someone to be his light. He wished for someone to guide him through the dark he had plunged himself into.

And now when he was here at his breaking point... Carat had reached her hand out to him and pulled him into the warmth he had so desperately wished for. Now he could see light. Light that was guiding him through the dark.

Through the dark streets to a lamp post where there was a beautiful male simply sitting and looking at the stars.

"Who is he?" Seungcheol as in awe.

"That there, Sungcheol is... Your fated friend!" Carat grinned as she stopped the bus looking at Seungcheol for a split second.

Seungcheol took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. He smiled, relaxing into the seat. He was happy.

He felt as if he was on a cloud drifting away to heaven.

The fatigue of the long day also with the assurance of home and a friend allowed him to breathe a calm and natural breath.

He felt like he was at home.


How was it, Infinity? ♾️

Thank you for reading! 💙

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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