Hong Jisoo's Origin

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He was just another assistant accountant who worked with his colleague at his company, had fun, and lived a normal life. Everything was great for him until he moved from LA, California to Seoul, Korea, for his college studies, where he was drooled at for his princely handsomeness.

The females in his class had no daily basis and asked for him number and called for his attention desperately. He dated a few of them only because this was the first time he had experienced something like this. The girls voices would send his heart pounding and give him a sense of superiority.

He did not like it at first because it disturbed his peace and quiet, but the repeatativeness got to him. He began looking in the mirror more often and before he knew it he had created a fake mask over himself.and traped himself into the handsome and gentlemanly expectations his peers, teachers, so called lovers had of him.

With the piling ego of his newfound distinction from the others around him----that in a way, set him apart from the normal looking men----he left his ture self. He boy who would roam around by himself in the peaceful state of his mind and keep to himself was now under the influence of attention he had never received at such a scale.

Now he looked in the mirror and not at his reflection as he used to when he walked the nights alone and the dawn through the streams in hopes of continuing his peace and quiet. His bubble was crowded, and he did not know who to push people out of it, so he only ended up growing and including more people.

Now, what he did not know was that it wasn't a people that he needed but a person to guide him out of this mess. Thus, he met his new girlfriend, whom he truly fell in love with ever since he joined his company and began working as the head accountant's assistant.

His colleagues did not regard him as a high priority of looks as his college mates had and were more focused on their work and assignments with clients. This allowed for his ego to dial down as he slowly began to settle down into his quiet again.

He solely spent time with his girlfriend outside of work and was happy... All until work got heavy, and he found himself back in his state before college with no attention like what he received then. The loss took heavy impact on him as he clung to the one person who possibly still saw him in that manner of charmingness---his girlfriend.

So, on the night he was ditched, he was broken as the one thing he could hold on to had left him. But it was not over as he was able to see his true reflection after everything he had been through and finally came to an acceptance within the mirror.

There after he old lady showed him his way to his true reflection in the water where he gladly submerged him self and left his fatigue of attention drifting away finally letting go of his girlfriend that he clinged to for attention.


"Haha! Anyways! " She laughed, making sure Jeonghan got into a seat and the bike made its way to the back before she began driving away. "I found you, Hong Jisoo!"

There was pin drop silence as Carat began driving. Jisoo's head vreaked to the side, looking at Jeonghan, who sighed with his eyes, twitching of exhaustion.

"Who the hell is she?" Jisoo hesitated to ask as he recognized Jeonghan from one of the numerous ads he'd seen on TV and in magazines.

Jeongham paused and pondered over the answer. "That's a very good question..."


"I have no idea..."

It was only thlow humming of the bus that surrounded them along with Seungcheol's snores.

Jisoo gulped as he pointed at Seungcheol. "Okay then, who is he?"

"That I also do not know..." Jeonghan blinked.

"Why are you here?" Jisoo was about ready to jump off the bus even if it meant breaking a limb or two he couldn't take the dead silence nor the awkward stillness in the bus. It was starting to create up his spine.

He had so many questions that he wanted answers to. Even though he felt calm and a little happy, he couldn't ignore the unusual feeling that was starting to make him be himself. It was as though a force was tell him that it would be okay to ask a few questions, no a thousand, no a million, no as may as he wanted for they would all be answered.

And he wouldn't he judged for being just himself. It was weird for someone like him who had been judged and come to judge himself harshly.

What Jisoo did not realize that it was this receiving of attention that made them similar yet different as Jeonghan searched to not be judged after being judged while jisoo who had not been judged but was exposed to being judged then lost it now wanted it back.

This unspoken similarly and difference is what pulled and piqued Jeonghan's interest in Jisoo. While Jisoo found himself just a little more comfortable in Jeonghan's presence. Still, it did not help that his questions were not getting proper answers as he wanted.

"She dragged me in here just like you." Jeonghan answered.

"What? You just let here?"

"Well, it's not like I had a choice. Plus, she was pretty convincing, and she said I would meet new friends. I thought it would be pretty good, so I stayed. And now I meet you... Jisoo, was it? I'm sure I introduced myself earlier, but once again, I'm Yoon Jeonghan." Jeonghan smiled.

"Yes..." Jisoo froze for a second and just as he was about to speak again.

"And we're here!!!" Carat exclaimed, bringing the bus to a screeching halt as he ripped off her seat belt and stood up. "Wake up, Seungcheol. You've been sleeping for too long!"

The doors flung wide open to revile a male sitting... Outside a restaurant... On a bench... Surrounded by... Spicy food... In plastic bags... With his eyes wide open... Asleep...

And unfortunately for Seungcheol, this male was the first thing he saw the second he woke up. He screamed at the top of his lungs. "AAAAAAAA!!!"

Yes, indeed, it was a very scary first sight.


How are you doing? 💙

Love you! ❤️ Take care and stay safe, Infinity! ♾️

~ Arata
Carat_Official ~

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