I shook my head. "Just do what I asked."

"How did she destroy you?"

My knuckles turned white with how hard I was squeezing them into fists. I stared at him, letting him see how close I was to losing it but stayed silent.

He walked closer to the desk and placed his hands on top, leaning down. "How did she destroy you?"

"Let. It. Go." My breathing coming out in strong puffs.

He smirked then and shook his head. "Practice what you preach, Itachi. How did she destroy you?"

My hand shot out, gripped his collar and pulled; his chest hit the top of my desk and he hissed. I pressed my gun to the side of his temple and he chuckled.

"What now, huh? Kill me so I stop asking questions?"

My hand shook slightly, the urge to pull the trigger was strong but I refrained. Barely. "You think I won't?"

"I think you need me." He looked up at me. "You know you do. Tell. Me."

"Why won't you fucking let it go!" I pressed the barrel harder into his skull and shook my head.

"Because if I continue with this, with you, I need the whole truth. Call it guilt or whatever you want but I need something to help me sleep at night. Something to make what we're doing, what you're doing, worth it."

He wanted the truth? Fine. "She's the reason it happened. Her. Everything. Because she betrayed me."

His shoulders slumped and his eyes filled with sadness. "And yet, you still fell in love."

I shook my head. "I didn't fall out of love. I have loved her since I was a child and it was innocent, loving her was never the problem until it was."

Like now. When i'm surrounded by hurt, anger and guilt. I want to destroy her and keep her for myself. That is the problem. That I wasn't strong enough to stop loving her.

He nodded and sighed. "But you're still going through with this."

"I need to, Shisui. You need a reason to sleep at night? Well I do too and this will be the reason."

"Fine. Can you remove your gun then?"

I smirked. "You first."

He chuckled and pulled back the hand hidden behind the desk by his hip; his custom pistol shining in the light. "I should still kill you."

"Maybe." He teased before shoving my hand back and getting comfortable in the chair. "What exactly do you want me to do?"

"He hasn't taken the bait so send him this." I sent him a photo and his eyes widened. I growled at his reaction, it wasn't a fully naked picture of her but her naked back in my sheets was enough to get your imagination going.

Add in my marks along her skin and it'd be impossible to miss the message. Still, I didn't like his seeing her like that. It may be essential but it didn't stop me from wanting to carve out his eyes.

"You want me to send him this?" He asked slowly.

"Then you'll delete it." My threat prevalent in my tone and he chuckled.

"Alright, caveman but.. are you sure?"

"Yes, i'm fucking sure. Do it."

He sighed and stood, tapping on his phone before placing it in his pocket. "It's done. Good luck."

"Don't need it."

"Yeah, you will."

When the door closed behind him, I clenched my shirt over my chest; unable to catch my breath. What the fuck is happening. It felt like my chest was caving in and I was powerless to stop it.

I shut my eyes and y/n's face popped in my mind, her beaming smile and eyes filled with mischief. My angel. Like magic, the feeling faded and my heart rate calmed.

This will all be worth it, it has to be. This is for them.

Hours later when I finally pulled my head out of the fog that is work, I realized two things. One, it was close to the time I needed to leave and two, y/n hadn't called or texted me.

It could be because she's still upset but nothing at all? A feeling of foreboding washed over me, bringing a shiver of ... something throughout my body.

My phone rang and looked down at the unknown number, I smirked before answering.

"You fucked up, Uchiha."

"Ahh. I was wondering when you'd call." I chuckled. "Did you like your gift? She was wrapped up quite nicely in my sheets."

"You poor, stupid bastard." He laughed loudly and my brows furrowed. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting. When I stayed silent he scoffed. "Did you think we didn't know where you were? Who do you think sent her to you?"

"You're not that smart." I replied but my body tensed.

"After sooooo long, you finally find the person you were turning over every stone for? Fate works in mysterious ways, or maybe, just maybe, it was something else."

"Some elaborate plan, huh?" My voice was even, lazy, comepltely at odds at the way I feel.

"She let you in quickly, didn't she? Fell into your arms without resistance, accepted what you gave her without question. Answer something for me, Uchiha. Would you expect that from a woman would felt abandoned? Huh?"

No. I refuse to believe this.

"I sent her. I put her right in your path and told her what to do, i'll admit, I wasn't expecting her to spread her legs but oh wells. Whores will be whores, I guess." He chuckled. "And now, I have access to your fortress. I have information you would have never given up."

"You admit this plan while she still lives in my house?"

"Do whatever you want with her. She's dead to me and now to you. It's what she deserves."

He hung up and stood frozen in rage, betrayal, hurt. I don't want to believe it but now? Now it makes sense.
A breach in my security, a worm I couldn't find. The week I spent away from them, locking myself in a room and combing through everything looking for my rat.

I couldn't find one.. because she was right under my nose. In my house. In my fucking bed.

"I need to know everything, Itachi. Everything." Her words from earlier sprung up in my mind, the sound of her saying them echoing in my ears.

Rage I have never felt before overtook my whole body, I swear my gaze had a red tint.

AUTHOR NOTE: THE PLOT THICKENS! I genuinely was going to sit on this chapter for a few days but I was too excited 😬

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